Consider how the far-flung stars and planets speak of his power; the clever camouflage of lizard, fawn, and frog display his wisdom; the endless variety of colors, shapes, and textures prove his creativity; the instinctive parenting skills of adult animals demonstrate his goodness. The wonder o...
Just as the moon has no light of its own, but can only reflect the light of the sun, so are past and future only pale reflections of the light, power, and reality of the eternal present. Their reality is “borrowed” from the Now. ▪ The reason why some people love to engage in...
i have parents i have set watchmen u i have something pers i have the power in m i have three babies i have to catch aplan i have to do i have to escape i have to shave i havelike five times i havegotyourlove i havent seen you for i havent held your ha i hear a voice i ...
making it easy to pray while you're surfing the web. The power of prayer is awesome. You will see that your days will go smoother, and you will be much happier praying daily. You see, Jesus sees the big picture, and our lives are best lived when we keep in touch...
The American minority, meanwhile, has spent the past week trying to cope with the shock and the horror of the Antichrist’s second coming (I use that name not in a mythical sense, but in a moral one, describing the Trump who in every respect is against the way of Jesus). ...
“Bench Warmers” has a retro fifties rhythm and a smooth chorus and is another big highlight, and “Do You Think I Might Be Jesus?” has an interesting analogy in the story and its got some great sonic details. However, the formula here doesn’t always work and the stream of conscious...
love on the mou love or power love playing and work love promotes intimac love psychedlico love really needs mox love requires tests love sb to the day of love seatsettee love seems to everywh love sincerely love song of the sout love songs r n b hiph love springs up when love stories...
Though we will never be able to love in the perfect way that Jesus can since none of us will ever become the fourth person of the Holy Trinity – we can still try to do the best we can in our dealings and relationships with other people. ...
According to Faustina, Jesus told her that she will pray the Divine Mercy novena in heaven and that he will bring the people she prays for into heaven. He also told her that, because she would beg for his divine grace for the people in light of his Passion, he would not deny granting...
In the fourth episode of The Power of Myth, Bill Moyers and mythologist Joseph Campbell discuss the role of sacrifice in myth — including a mother’s sacrifice for her child — and the need for all of us to find our sacred places in the midst of today’s fast-paced world. In thi...