The Powder Toy 是一款物理模拟游戏,常被用来做物理模型,几乎可以模拟一切物体。除了物理,还有很多化学物质和生命体。 展开 收起 暂无标签 C++ 等6 种语言 C++ 94.5% C 3.9% Python 1.0% Objective-C 0.3% Lua 0.2% Other 0.1% GPL...
The Powder Toy is free and the source code is distributed under the GNU General Public License, so you can modify the game yourself or help with development. Build instructions See the Powder Toy Development Help section on the main page of the wiki. Thanks Stanislaw K Skowronek - Designed ...
See thePowder Toy Development Helpsectionon the main page of the wiki. Thanks Stanislaw K Skowronek - Designed the original Simon Robertshaw Skresanov Savely cracker64 Catelite Victoria Hoyle Nathan Cousins jacksonmj Felix Wallin Lieuwe Mosch ...
The Powder Toy is a physics sandbox game where you can blow things up, operate atomic power plants, develop a CPU, among other neat sims. The Powder Toy is a desktop version of the classic 'falling sand' physics sandbox, which can simulate air pressure a
For a list of flags for scons, see Thanks Stanislaw K Skowronek - Designed the original Simon Robertshaw Skresanov Savely cracker64 Catelite Bryan Hoyle Nathan Cousins jacksonmj Felix Wallin Lieuwe Mosch Anthony Boot Matthew "me4502...
3.传统控制台: (中文版:3L)4.Lua脚本...
For a list of flags forscons, see Thanks Stanislaw K Skowronek - Designed the original Simon Robertshaw Skresanov Savely cracker64 Catelite Bryan Hoyle Nathan Cousins jacksonmj ...
附件下载: ThePowderToy44.6材料简介.doc (184.5 KB) 下载次数: 5362010-12-9 22:18 (感谢qinyudd和szszss的辛勤工作,我在他们的基础上完善了说明,统一了材料名称翻译。)附件包含了基本的使用说明。本贴在此基础上进一步提供一些小技巧。附件内容和官方wiki没有下文的全……因为懒得编辑了本文附件: TPT45.2元素...
The Powder Toy是一个使用C++编写的开源的物理模拟游戏,其原型是传统的“落沙”游戏。游戏需要下载,...
百度搜 the powder toy 找到全红的一个网站 就是官网进去 从类似logo 的图片下方 找到一行英文 Download Forum Browse Wiki FAQ Register Login 点一下Register 这是注册 Username(用户名)当右边出现如下绿色字符是 看翻译 This Username is available(这个用户名可用)Email (邮箱)Re-enter Email(...