[Middle Englishpotentat, from Old French, from Late Latinpotentātus, from Latin,power, frompotēns, present participle ofposse,to be able; seepotent.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Publis...
I went not into the forest to seek a potentate, neither do I, at any future time, design a visit thither, with a view to gaining the favour of such personage. View in context As one of the vessels of the company will, in the course of events, have to appeal to the justice and ...
A tethered macrocyclic peptide antibiotic class described here—which shows potent antibacterial activity against carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii—blocks the transport of bacterial lipopolysaccharide from the inner membrane to its destination on the outer membrane through inhibition of the LptB2FGC ...
load se load acceptance test load accepted load adjuster load adjusting potent load banlance load bearing to socie load celllc load custom curve load decrease load fail-safe defalt load failedthe memory load full load line exemption c load master load module library load nonblank disc load not ...
thermocouple instrume thermodynamic potent thermodynamic test thermodynamicrestrict thermodynamics an eng thermoeffekt thermoelectric isotop thermoelectric semico thermoelectric thermo thermoelement thermoemf thermoforcrackingproc thermoforming thermogenic respirati thermographthermograp thermogravimetric cur thermokarst thermo...
The more potent the language, the less of it you need. Ernest Hemingway is one example of an author who could pack more story AND more intimacy into fewer words. Also, you can start later if what happens at that later point makes it clear what has happened before. That allows more ...
In active inference, the use of discrete—as opposed to continuous—states in generative models is an enormously potent way of minimising complexity. For example, if it is sufficient to carve the world (i.e., the causes of my sensations) into a small number of hidden states, one can minim...
Completely Free: We are committed to making this potent tool available to everyone, free of charge! This app is ad-supported, ensuring it stays open to all. Enabling app tracking across other companies' apps and websites allows us to offer you personalized ads attuned to your interests, enric...
late onset late receptor potenti late start datees late word latel late-transient period latelaterlatterformer lateen seafood spaghe lateinoculation lately latency pattern maint latency analysis of a latent a latent astigmatism latent hardening latent phase latent yaws lateolabrax japonicus later about ...
speed triangle speed trim potentiome speed up speed up water resour speed power and timin speed-and-driftindica speedboat n speedcontrolsystem speedfigure speedofapproachmeasur speedoftheshipinmetre speedometer speedometerdrivegear speedpost kilopak speedrecorder speedregulatingweight speedway speedway 2000...