the possibility of evil译文 《邪恶的可能性》的译文如下: 《邪恶的可能性》 当尤内丝•奇利斯特选择了小镇上的一个角落作为她的居所时,人们都认为她是一个温和而和善的邻居。然而,那些了解她真实面目的人,都知道她是一个邪恶的存在。 尤内丝,一位长相普通的、温和的中年女性,在日常生活中表现出一种迷人的...
《The possibility of Evil》文章剧情英文简述及感悟 Reflection for the town meeting activity Last Friday, we did an activity related to the short story called The Possibility of Evil. This activity required us to play different roles appeared in the story and these characters were holding a ...
一、作为单独的词组,“possibility of evil”译文是“邪恶的可能”。二,作为短篇文章,《The Possibility of Evil》篇幅太长,这里不便于全文翻译,原文简介如下:《The Possibility of Evil》是一个短篇故事,1965年由雪莉·杰克逊所写。在1965年12月18日发表于在星期六晚邮报,她死后的几个月,它获...
1、Reflection for the town meeting activityLast Friday, we did an activity related to the short story called The Possibility of Evil. This activity required us to play different roles appeared in the story and these characters were holding a meeting about Miss Strangeworth. The main objective of...
《the possibility of evil》文章剧情英文简述及感悟.doc,Reflection for the town meeting activity Last Friday, we did an activity related to the short story called The Possibility of Evil. This activity required us to play different roles appeared in the st
Shirley Jackson's "The Possibility of Evil" reflects on the ways in which judgement and self-righteousness can warp a person's perspective.Miss Strangeworth believes herself to be a kind of guardian of her town and spends her days identifying "potential badness" in others. Whenever Miss ...
Because of the differences between people, we can always encounter a kind of people who are dissimilar from ourselves.“The Possibility of Evil”written by Shirley Jackson shows usanother human personality.The protagonist-Miss Strangeworth is just representative person of meddlesome and shallow. Miss...
第43章 The Possibility of Evil书名: 摸彩:雪莉·杰克逊短篇小说选(双语译林·壹力文库)作者名: (美)雪莉·杰克逊本章字数: 3495字更新时间: 2020-12-09 15:28:24 Miss Adela Strangeworth came daintily along Main Street on her way to the grocery.The sun was shining,the air was fresh and clear...