Dba.createCluster:ERROR: Error checking cluster health: The server ''ddcw1:3307'' is not a member of a GR group. (RuntimeError) 报错截图: 日志不报错, GR是启动了的 报错原因: mysqlshell认为GR未启动, 但是日志里面显示GR是启动了的, 推断:mysqlshell未能检测到GR已经启动了. 查看mysql官网, 发现...
(in second) : 60 Authentication Server 1 : Port:1812 Weight:80 [UP] Vrf:- LoopBack:NULL Vlanif:NULLSource IP: Server 1 : Port:1813 Weight:80 [UP] Vrf:- LoopBack:NULL Vlanif:NULL Source IP: :: --- 如果已配置,则服务器上添加的设备IP...
Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. 问题分析:客户端与服务端网络不通、端口错误或待连接CN异常。 处理方法: 客户端ping服务端IP,查看网络是否畅通,网络不通则需解决网络问题。 检查URL中连接CN的端口是否正确,若端口不正确则需修改为正确...
2025-01-23T05:22:58.912895Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-011735] [Repl] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] Error connecting to all peers. Member join failed. Local port: 33061' 2025-01-23T05:22:58.999074Z 0 [ERROR] [MY-011735] [Repl] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] The member wa...
The PXE Configuration screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 5-47. The PXE Configuration screen may vary according to the server. Figure 5-47 PXE Configuration screen Configure the PXE function. Select the network port such as PXE1 Configuration, and press Enter. In the dialog box that is...
我正在研读教程《分布式并行训练基础样例(Ascend)》https://www.mindspore.cn/tutorials/experts/zh-CN/r2.1/parallel/train_ascend.html 按照教程中的步骤走通过了1机多卡, 在尝试多机多卡时遇到报错 'The network port is down' 请问是什么原因, 怎么解决 按照报错信息
The etcd command can be simply run as such if it is moved to the system path as below: mv /tmp/etcd-download-test/etcd /usr/local/bin/ etcd This will bring up etcd listening on port 2379 for client communication and on port 2380 for server-to-server communication. Next, let's set ...
If the unexpected port blocking is not caused by STP protection, check whetherbpdu bridge enableis configured on the port. If not, the port does not process received STP BPDUs. <HUAWEI>system-view[~HUAWEI]interface 10ge 1/0/1[~HUAWEI-10GE1/0/1]bpdu bridge enable[...
Master Group Multicast Address: Master Group IPv6 Multicast Address: ff19::1:2:3 Master Group Multicast Port: 12345 Host Unicast Channel Bound Port: 12321 Data-in-Transit Encryption Key Exchange Port: 0 Multicast TTL: 5 Traffic Type: vsan ...
Matterport is now part of CoStar Group. Read morehere. INTRODUCING Matterport Marketing CloudHome base for selling homes. Sign UpLearn More Facilities Management Revolutionize operations withdigital twins. Shop Camera DealsStart Free Design & Construction ...