打开命令行,输入 lsof -i tcp:8888 2. kill PID
在pycharm中运行jupyter notebook遇到“The port 8888 is already in use, trying another port”问题,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
最简单的方法,不管是 Windows 系统还是 Linux 系统,重启电脑,释放被占用的 8888 端口。
The error hint is 'Error: The Jupyter notebook server failed to launch in time [I 23:22:42.012 NotebookApp] The port 8888 is already in use, trying another port.' or 'jupyter notebook server failed to launch in time' and nothing displayed in the debug console. The picture of the jup...
第一种:关掉Tomcat,关掉eclipse,然后重启,重新部署项目 如果还是不行,那就是和我一样 第二种: 1. 首先打开你的cmd命令(电脑按住Win+R键,输入cmd,回车),然后在dos命令窗口中里敲 netstat -ano|findstr 8888或8080 netstat -ano|findstr 8888或8080
Note:By default the HTTP-server will listen to port 8080. However if that port is already in use or you wish to serve multiple applications this way, you might want to specify what port to use. Just add the --port argument: php yii serve --port=8888 ...
240c::6666 is a general-purpose DNS address widely used in China. In this example, this address is used to test the connectivity of 5G links. 2001:4860:4860::8888 is a global DNS address. Users outside China can use 2001:4860:4860::8888 to test the connectivity of 5G links. Configur...
After the configuration is complete, an administrator uses a web browser to access port 8888 (http://x.x.x.x:8888). The FW automatically redirects the access to the HTTPS port for the administrator to log in using HTTPS. Changing the HTTPS Port Do as follows to change the HTTPS port: ...
After the above configuration is done, navigate to your application: http://localhost:8888/py4e/tsugi/ It should complain that you have not created tables and suggest you use the Admin console to do that: http://localhost:8888/py4e/tsugi/admin ...
解决Tomcat启动时问题,Port 8080 required by J2EE Preview at localhost is already in use. 1 提示如下错误2 首先打开你的cmd命令(电脑按住Win+R键),然后在code里敲netstat -ano|findstr 8080或8005(哪个端口被占用,就输入哪个端口号,看我的截图是8080端口号,有些是设置8005端口号). 3 在资源管理器(Ctrl+al...