(No. 4 of 2013) came into effect in South Africa from 1 July 2021.1 However, from as early as 2016–2017, the POPI Act was already active, mainly dealing with the appointment of the Information Regulator.1 Following the proclamation of enactment of the POPI Act by President Cyril Ramaphosa...
The commencement of the Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act will impact a vast number of businesses, and the construction industry, as one of the major contributors and employment providers to the South African economy, is no exception, says Databuild CEO Morag Evans. Morag Evans, CEO...
There are two main privacy laws in South Africa: TheElectronic Communications and Transactions Act 2002(English version) TheProtection of Personal Information Act(POPI) (English version) The POPI Act was passed in 2013 and bears some similarities to EU data protection law. It didn't become enforc...
(f) "OPPO" means Boang Technology South Africa t/a OPPO, a company registered in terms of laws of South Africa with registration number 2020/162436/07; (g) "POPI" means the Protection of Personal Information Act, No 4 of 2013; (h) "Promoters" means, collectively, OPPO and Cell C; ...
POPI Act The act aims to safeguard the personal information of public and private companies in South Africa. According to the act, personal information is limited not only to natural persons (human beings) but also extends to juristic persons (like companies). It provides clear directives on how...
“It is important to remember that there are specific regulations around information privacy such as the PoPI Act. The measures therefore need to be at the cutting edge, while simultaneously respecting the privacy of individuals. The implementation of a centralised restricted data vault, run by a ...
When making authorised disclosures or transfers of personal information in terms of Section 72 of POPI, personal information may be disclosed to recipi- ents in countries that do not have the same level of protection for personal in- formation as South Africa does. 13.6. The following Security ...
The Association of African Business Schools (AABS) empowers African business schools by enhancing capacity, fostering collaboration, and driving quality improvement for leaders and educators. With the launch of Africa’s first-ever accreditation, AABS is
In a productionised version of this POC, the investors personal information would need to be shared across the distributed ledger while remaining compliant to the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act). Because of the time constraints in the POC a full enterprise KYC solution was not...
The Effects of the PoPI Act on Small and Medium Enterprises in South Africa The Protection of Personal Information (PoPI) Act was created to promote the constitutional right to privacy in South Africa by safeguarding personal ident... JG Botha,D* Csir,MM Eloff,... - Information Security for...