(Placename) the capital of Cape Verde; a port and submarine cable station. Pop: 115 000 (2005 est) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
14000 Praha 4 Czech Republic web: http://nfa.cz/ Related Films (20) Dušan Hanák I Love, You Love Dušan Hanák Rosy Dreams Dušan Hanák 322 David Butula Dunaj of Consciousness Jan Kadár The Shop on Main Street Helke Misselwitz Tango Helke Misselwitz Tango Dream Kateři...
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Praha/Vídeň: Nákladem F. Tempského. Search in Google Scholar Gerov, Najden. 1904. Rěčnik na blăgarskij jazik. Vol. 5. Plovdiv: Săglasie.Search in Google Scholar Green, Monica H. 2001. The Trotula. A medieval compendium of women’s medicine. Philadelphia: Penn.10.9783/...
RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook temple (redirected fromTemple, the) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical , city, United States Temple,city (1990 pop. 46,109), Bell co., central Tex.; inc. 1882. In a rich blackland region, Temple has grain and ...
geophysical methods offer the possibility of verifying geological assumptions, or interpreting the deeper structure of individual geological units. In addition, geophysical methods allow the construction and solution of 2D and 3D models, as shown by previous works (Obernauer1983; Popspíšil an ...
To cheer myself up I got a really nice brat and some amazing chimney cake and sat in the square watching all the Good Friday celebrations. There was music, crafts and lots of good food. Once my belly was full, I took myself to One Love Tattoo Praha. I make no secret about how ...
slow nova slow rock japanese an slow rock country pop slow rotating turbodr slow scan cyclic volt slow setting emulsion slow speed servomotor slow speed stages slow starting slow target slow to expose slow-eye slowcoach slowcomponent slower descent slowing down model slowing properties slowly accumulat...
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