必应词典为您提供The-Politics-of-Mass-Society的释义,网络释义: 大众社会政治;大众社会的政治;
威廉·康豪瑟 著廖智立 译 张博文魏士钰校本书探讨历史上和当代都普遍出现的废弃政治活动的宪政体制并转而支持不受控制的大众运动的情况;本书分析了支持共产主义、法西斯主义和其他在制度秩序之外并反对制度秩序的民众运动的来源。与此同时,本书试图说明维持自由民主制度的社会条件;民主政治体系的优势与劣势来源于社会结...
(1960), The Politics of Mass Society, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.Kornhauser, W. 1960. The Politics of Mass Society. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.Kornhauser, W., 1960: The Politics of Mass Society. Lon- don:...
WilliamKornhauserThe Politics of Mass Society2008 (1959)Transaction PublishersNew Brunswick, NJ/London256 pp., $29.95ProteinsProtein Structure, SecondaryProtein FoldingAmino Acid SequenceMolecular Sequence DataDatabases, FactualAlgorithmsNeural Networks (Computer...
2.a political philosophy advocating the preservation of the best of the established order in society and opposing radical change (kənˈsɜːvəˌtɪzəm) (in Britain, Canada, etc)n 1.(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the form of conservatism advocated by the Conservative Party...
The politics of a socialist harmonious society in the aftermath of China's neoliberal development. Chinese Journal of Communication, 3(3), 311-328.Hong, Y., 2010. The politics of a socialist harmonious society in the aftermath of China's neoliberal development. Chinese Journal of Communication,...
Chicago Studies in Practices of Meaning(共43册), 这套丛书还有 《American Value》《Laughing at Leviathan》《Bengal in Global Concept History》《Political Epistemics》《The Making of Romantic Love》 等。 我要写书评 The Mana of Mass Society的书评 ···(全部 0 条) 论坛· ...
The concept of mass goes back a long way to characterize a society that consists of people somehow connected by communication while, at the same time, also dispersed in space and essentially detached from one another. Mass has also been a pejorative for critics of modern capitalist society and...
“The Mana of Mass Societyadvances anthropology’s increasingly pivotal contributions to social and critical theory. Mazzarella gives a new charge to prompts from post-secularist and ontological perspectives—concerning belief, for example, and alliances between human and non-human worlds within modernity...