The Police Act 1997 (Enhanced Criminal Record Certificates) (Protection of Vulnerable Adults) (Scotland) Regulations 2002doi:2002 No. 217介绍性文本1.引文,开始和延伸2.易受伤害成年人的定义3.为1997年《警察法》第115(4)节规定的位置签署解释性说明...
The Police Act 1997 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 59 作者:Steve Uglow,V Telford 摘要: PUB TYPE: Book. VOLUME/EDITION: PAGES (INTRO/BODY): SUBJECT(S): None. DISCIPLINE:No discipline assigned. LC NUMBER: None. HTTP: LANGUAGE: None. PUB ID: 103-388-703(Last edited on 2003/04/...
providing research and information services to the Scottish Parliament1Research Note00/2023 March 2000ACCESS TO CRIMINAL RECORD INFORMATION UNDERPART V OF THE POLICE ACT 1997This research note describes the current position in relation to the provisionof criminal record checks on those working with chil...
police′ state` n. a totalitarian state or country in which a national police force, esp. a secret police, suppresses any act that conflicts with government policy. [1860–65] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Ran...
the Virginia Freedom of Information Act made disclosure of criminal investigative files mandatory when the investigation was “not ongoing.” After the law took effect, the family of Kionte Spencer was able toobtain video of his fatal shootingat the hands of Roanoke County police officers—video ...
This Order adds various offences to the list of "qualifying offences" in section 65A of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. Under Part 5 of that Act, designation of an offence as a "qualifying offence" has implications for the circumstances in which a constable can require a person ...
…A “prostitute’s caution”, unlike other police cautions, does not require a person to admit to an offence or agree to accept it. Police can issue them to any…[woman they point at while belching “prostitute”. Most] cautions…are filtered out from someone’s record after six years ...
摘要: Police : the constitution and the community : a collection of original essays on issues raised by the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 edited by John Baxter & Laurence Koffman Professional Books, 1985 : pbk出版时间: 1985 ISBN: 0862051061 被引量: 1 ...
Police interrogation : the psychological approach . A case study of current practice The analysis of the suspect's decisionmaking has important implications for the legal concept of voluntariness, that all decisions made during interrogation must not be significantly affected by external sources of inter...
Street Policing after PACE: The Drift to Summary Justice Young, R. ( 2008 ) ‘ Street policing after PACE: the drift to summary justice ’, in: E. Cape and R. Young (Eds.), Regulating Policing: The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984, Past, Present and Future , Oxford : Hart......