Produced by Imaginarium and directed by Leigh Scott, The Witches of Oz (2011) is a short TV mini-series which revisits the magical Wizard of Oz world from a modern point of view. With quite a few known names in the cast – such as Christopher Lloyd, Lance Henriksen, Sean Astin and Bi...
Every once in a while, a politician develops a particle of human decency: …A “prostitute’s caution”, unlike other police cautions, does not require a person to admit to an offence or agree to accept it. Police can issue them to any…[woman they point at while belching “prostitute”...
In New York, abortion is permitted within 24 weeks of pregnancy. Beyond this point, abortion is allowed solely in cases where the fetus is incompatible with life or when it's deemed necessary to safeguard the mother's life or health. In November, voters will be presented with a state Equal...
Himes and Mary Virginia Swanson survey the current landscape of photography-book publishing and point out the many avenues to pursue and pitfalls to avoid. This updated, expert guide covers: a history of the photobook; an overview of the publishing industry; the process of bringing your project ...
Virtual phone numbers were a reality, so that a business could have an area code for New York City even if it was physically located in Topeka, Kansas. There were a handful of startup companies that dominated the consumer, small-office/home-office (SoHo) and VoIP markets. They were ...
“Overall it's based on forces of supply and demand,” Ernest says. “And most of these countries are in the Middle East where there is a lot of supply and not much demand. They also don’t have a lot of extra costs with taxes, and don’t have to transport oil because it...
Young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the magical Land of Oz and embark on a quest with three new friends to see the Wizard, who can return her to her home and fulfill the others' wishes....
“Maybe at some point in time, Blackfoot deserves to be in there.” (Wardlaw) Blind Faith Michael Ochs Archives, Getty Images Blind Faith Collectively, the four members of Blind Faith have been inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame five times. But three of those honors belong to ...
now look left and look right. Find a little feature point of sand that sort of juts out a bit along the usually long and straight beach line. Go there. Set your chair in the surf line on either side of this point and about 1-2 feet or so into the water. You’re about to get ...
“Maybe at some point in time, Blackfoot deserves to be in there.” (Wardlaw) Blind Faith Michael Ochs Archives, Getty Images Blind Faith Collectively, the four members of Blind Faith have been inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame five times. But three of those honors belong to ...