The aim of this paper is to examine Wordsworth's poem The Prelude in the sense of being autobiographical. The poem is considered as the longest, noblest and most fruitful illustration of the spiritual frugality of Wordsworth and a handsome anticipation of the modern concept of autobiography. The...
Coradella Collegiate Bookshelf Editions.The Prelude.William Wordsworth.?ContentsOpen
解析 【答案】C【解析】《抒情歌谣集》的第一首诗是柯勒律治的代表作《古舟子咏》(The Rime of Ancient Mariner),《忽必烈汗》(Kubla Khan)是他一首未完成的诗作。《序曲》(The Prelude)和《丁登寺》(TinternAbbey)都是华兹华斯的作品。反馈 收藏
1. What's the Chinese title of the poem Prelude to Water Melody?A. 《水调歌头》B. 《山居秋暝》C.
William Wordsworth. The Prelude & The Recluse, a fragment.Contents243 242He, who had launched the startling thunderbolt,The one bold man, whose voice the attack had sounded,Was left without a follower to dischargeHis perilous duty, and retire lamentingThat Heaven’s best aid is wasted upo...
The Prelude:1799, 1805, 1850作者 William Wordsworth 出版社 W. W. Norton & Co. 出版时间 1979年12月 ISBN 9780393090710 定价 155.00 内容简介 ThisbookisthefirsttopresentWordsworth'sgreatestpoeminallthreeofitsseparateform.Itreprints,onfacingpages,theversionof"ThePrelude"waswascompletedin1805,...
This book is the first to present Wordsworth's greatest poem in all three of its separate form. It reprints, on facing pages, the version of "The Prelude" was was completed in 1805, together with the much-revised work published after the poet's death in 1850. In addition the editors in...
The composer defi nitely considered this work as fantasy overture when it’s f irst published, but the Chinese academe discussed and classif ied it as both symphonic poem and overture. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是柴科夫斯基的一部重要的标题音乐作品,作曲家在出版该曲时明确称作"幻想序曲",但在国内学术界...
The Preludeis a modern poem in another sense; it is a self-reflective poem. By this we mean a poem that has a part of its subject the writing of the poem itself.The Preludeis a poem that incorporates the discovery of its ‘ars poetica’. It’s surely the true ancestor of all those...
1. The Romantic Period is one of poetical revival. It is a period of poetry. Emotion, imagination and intuition of humankind are what the romanticists emphasize in their works. The general feature of the works of the romanticists is the dissatisfaction with the bourgeois society. They pay ...