Do you know the plural of axilla? Axilla is a medical term that refers to the underarm area of the human body. It is a crucial part of the anatomy, as it contains many important structures such as lymph nodes, nerves, and blood vessels. However, when it comes to using the plural ...
Alveolus [al VEE o lus] (plural: alveoli [al VEE o lie]): small hollow space or socket where the tooth root fits within the jaw bonesCavity: a hollow place within the body of bone (or within a tooth)Fissure [FISH er]: a cleft or groove (crack) between parts...
the plural ofaxis1 (ˈæksɪz) n the plural ofaxe Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ax•is (ˈæk sɪs) ...
(ˈaːtəri)–pluralˈarteries–noun 1.a blood-vessel that carries the blood from the heart through the body.arteria 2.a main route of travel and transport.arteria arterial(aːˈtiəriəl)adjective arterial disease;arterial roads.arterial; de primer orden ...
(foss-ă)(plural:fossae) a long narrow shallow depression. The word is used in the approved name of such a surface feature on a planet or satellite. Collins Dictionary of Astronomy © Market House Books Ltd, 2006 The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might...
What is the main function of adjectives? Write a slogan that uses an adjective. What are the rules for making plural nouns? How many adjectives are there in the English language? What are the classifications of words? What is a compound adjective?
Medical Eponym Library. Eponymictionary database of medical eponym: person, place, or thing after whom/which something is named
The plural form of the word for armpit is: A) axilla. B) axilli. C) axillary. D) axillae. E) axillaes. 3 Which of the following statements is true? A) To analyze a medical term, reread the term and practice pronunciation in syllables. B) Breaking a medical term down into basic ...
pluralnounstarantulasuvulasformtaenias Thepluralformofnouns(1)LokiisinEnglishathttp://.englishvip/wenkxd.htmThepluralformofnouns(1)A-aendAdd-eAmoeba-amoebaeameba,amoebaTuba-tubaebasstrumpet,oneofthewindinstrumentsCloaca-cloacaesewerBacca-baccaeoarfruitThetheca-thecaeisthepollensac,themembrane,thesheath...
plural plurry plused pluses plushy plutei pluton plyers plying pneuma poachy poakas poakes poboys pochay pocked pocket podand podded poddie poddle podges podial podite podium podley podsol podzol poepol poetic poetly poetry poffle pogeys pogges pogies pogoed pogoer pogrom pohiri poilus ...