英英 the-Pledge-of-Allegiance n. 1. 宣誓效忠(美国人站在国旗前右手贴左胸宣誓)a formal promise to be loyal to the US, which Americans make standing in front of the flag with their right hand on their heart 例句 释义: 全部,宣誓效忠
翻译THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE翻译The Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,and to the republic for which it stands:one nation under God,indivisible, with liberty and justice for all 题目也翻出来 谢谢!!
Est. 1828 “thepledgeof” We have one entry that includes the term thepledgeof. the Pledge of Allegiance noun phrase : a formal promise of loyalty to the United States that groups of people say together See the full definition Word of the Day billet-doux See Definitions and Examples ...
效忠誓词(Pledge of Allegiance):我宣誓效忠美国国旗及其所代表的共和国,在上帝庇祐下,此一国家不可分割,全体人民均享有自由与正义。
Hill-Billy HeavenTex Ritter1961年1月1日 试听 出演艺人 Tex Ritter 表演者 作曲和作词 Tex Ritter 作曲、 作词 Capitol Collectors Series: Tex Ritter
楼上的都瞎翻,还有拿翻译软件来糊弄事的。这个的标题是The Pledge of Allegiance,从 I 开始往后的是誓词内容。正确翻译如下:我宣誓拥护美利坚合众国国旗及它所代表的合众国:一个由上帝庇佑的国家,不可分割,所有人在此均享有自由及正义。
What began as a verse to honor Columbus Day evolved into a daily ritual for schoolchildren that has had many iterations—including one with questionable hand gestures.
词汇the pledge of allegiance 释义请查阅词条:Pledge of Allegiance, the 随便看 pleasure pleat pleated pleather plebeian plebiscite pledge plenary plenipotentiary plenitude plentiful plentifully plenty plethora pliable pliant pliers plight plimsoll plod
When individuals pledge allegiance, they commit to upholding and being loyal to a person or thing. Task three: Yes, the following sentence provides a specific example of a pledge of allegiance, which is the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag and the USA. ...