According to this legend, all 15 Plantagenet kings of England 都是那位安茹伯爵的恶魔夫人的后裔 were descended from the demon Countess of Anjou. 他们与她血脉相承 Her blood flowed in their veins. 几个世纪以来 And over the centuries, 这解释了金雀花王室的 this provided an explanation for the fie...
According to this legend, all 15 Plantagenet kings of England were descended from the demon Countess of Anjou. Her blood flowed in their veins. And over the centuries, this provided an explanation for the fierce temper, the bloody familyfeudsand the brutality of the Plantagenet. feud: an argum...
and Regent of England. 在他床边的11岁男孩 The 11-year-old boy at his bedside 是即将统治英格兰的第四位金雀花国王 is the fourth Plantagenet king to rule England - 亨利三世 Henry III. 金雀花曾是个法兰西王朝 The Plantagenets were a French Dynasty, 统治过英格兰和法兰西大部 who ruled England and...
producing15ofthenation'smostfamous-andinfamous-kings. 这段故事充满了阴谋冲突与残暴 Theirstoryisoneofintrigue,conflictandbrutality. 但其间既建起了英格兰的司法体系 ButalsotheestablishmentofEngland'ssystemofjustice. 也诞生出了议会 AndthebirthofParliament. ...
The Performance of Chivalric Masculinity: the Plantagenet Kings and Maintaining Political Power examines how the Plantagenet kings of England between 1225-1399 maintained masculine and political power through their ability to properly emulate chivalrous characters like King Arthur. Based upon an examination ...
plantagenets王朝plantagenet中英文剧本英格兰 伯克郡卡弗舍姆庄园CavershamManorinBerkshire.1219年Theyearis1219.威廉·马歇尔是这片土地上最强大的骑士WilliamMarshallisthemostpowerfulknightintheland也是英格兰的摄政王andRegentofEngland.在他床边的11岁男孩The11-year-oldboyathisbedside是即将统治英格兰的第四位金雀花国王is...
Henry and Eleanor's eldest son, Henry the younger, sparked the first great Plantagenet familyimplosion. implosion: the act of falling towards the inside with force His father had agreed to let him be crowned joint king of England, but refused to trust him with any authority or independent inc...
1.Relating to the historical region and former province of Anjou, France. 2.Relating to the House of Anjou, especially as represented by the Plantagenet kings of England descended from Geoffrey, Count of Anjou (died 1151). [French, from Old French, from Medieval LatinAndegavīnus, fromAndega...
Beyond the Angevins, one of the most pivotal topics of our journey through France was the prolonged struggle for the French crown between the Plantagenet kings of England and the Valois kings of France, famously known as The Hundred Years’ War. This conflict defined a significant part of Plant...
2. 勒芒博物馆Geoffrey的饰板上有最早的纹章样例蓝白纹叫做毛皮纹(vair),即冬天的松鼠皮毛盾牌上的金狮被其后代作为皇家纹章,最终成为英格兰的国家象征之一美男子,Geoffrey the Fair,Planta genista(金雀花的拉丁文,即Plantagenet)3. 亨利一世曾指定玛蒂尔达为继承人,但当他于1135年离世时,英格兰王位由玛蒂尔达的...