1. Annual Review of Plant Biology (年度植物生物学综述) - 影响因子为39.708 2. Nature Plants (自然植物) - 影响因子为8.29 3. Trends in Plant Science (植物科学发展趋势) - 影响因子为15.301 4. The Plant Cell (植物细胞) - 影响因子为10.676 5. New Phytologist (新陆地植物) - 影响因子为7.067 ...
The Plant Cell publishes novel research of special significance in plant biology, especially in the areas of cellular biology, molecular biology,
An understanding of the immune system of plants is important for progress in agriculture and pest control. Lacking the mobile defender cells and adaptive immune response found in mammals, plants rely on the innate immunity of each cell and on signals sent around the plant from infection sites. ...
We then compared the features of aging and reactivity in female microglia at single-cell resolution and epigenetic level. To dissect functions of aged microglia excluding the influence from other aged brain cells, we established an accelerated microglial turnover model without directly affecting other ...
Plant, Cell & Environment, PCE是一本植物科学方向的领军期刊(中科院一区)。该期刊主要发表高质量的基础科学研究,涉及多个研究方向,从分子生物学、遗传学到生物化学、生理、生态学,涵盖不同的自然和农业生态系统,地上和地下的植物生长过程等,并在国际植物科学界享有盛誉。
Plant, Cell & Environment, PCE是一本植物科学方向的领军期刊(中科院一区)。该期刊主要发表高质量的基础科学研究,涉及多个研究方向,从分子生物学、遗传学到生物化学、生理、生态学,涵盖不同的自然和农业生态系统,地上和地下的植物生长过程等,并在国际植物科学界享有盛誉。
The transformation of rhizosphere microbiota is essentially the result of a series of events that can enhance the formation of constant and different microbial associations in the plant microbiome/holobiome based on supportive information/communications. Beneficial microbial communities act as influential iden...
Since the colonization of land by ancestral plant lineages 450 million years ago, plants and their associated microbes have been interacting with each other, forming an assemblage of species that is often referred to as a “holobiont.” Selective pressur
We cover both the use of microbes to produce whole foods out of their biomass and as cell factories to make highly functional and nutritional ingredients. The technical, economical, and societal limitations are also discussed together with the current and future perspectives....
The N terminus of bacterial elongation factor Tu elicits innate immunity in Arabidopsis plants. Plant Cell 16, 3496–3507 (2004) CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Zipfel, C. et al. Perception of the bacterial PAMP EF-Tu by the receptor EFR restricts Agrobacterium-mediated transformation...