因此,阐明“最佳”杂种优势的调控网络不仅可以加深对杂种优势的理解,对优良杂交水稻的设计育种也具有重要意义。 2022年8月1日,The Plant Journal在线发表了华中农业大学张启发院士和欧阳亦聃教授团队题为“A Ghd7-centered regulatory network...
近日,四川农业大学水稻研究所李双成/李平教授团队在“The Plant Journal”上发表了题为“Grass-specific ABERRANT MICROSPORE DEVELOPMENT 1 is required for maintaining pollen fertility in rice”(水稻花粉育性的维持需要草科特有的AMD1蛋白...
2023年12月20日,广东省农业科学院农业生物基因研究中心种子表观遗传刘军研究团队在The Plant Journal上发表题为“OsJMJ718, a histone demethylase gene, positively regulates seed germination in rice”的研究论文。研究揭示了组蛋白去甲基化酶OsJMJ718介导靶基因上的H3K9me3去甲基化影响ABA和乙烯信号转导途径调节水...
ISME Journal Genetics in Medicine Theranostics Cellular & Molecular Immunology Plant Biotechnology Journal Clinical and Translational Medicine American Academy of Ophthalmology New Phytologist Aging Cell Molecular Ecology Resources ACS Sensors EBioMedicine
Success of the global plant technology sector; Example of EU regulations on plant biotechnology; Impact of the regulations and the moratorium on genetically modified products on start-up companies which work with plant biotechnology firms and plant breeders....
3 Comments I have asked Andrea Rossi some questions this week on the Journal of Nuclear Physics about how the work on the E-Cat SKL plant that he and his team are building, and which he has stated will be presented in a public demonstration this year. He has answered that the plant ...
曾范昌教授团队以棉花等经济作物为主要对象,综合利用基因组学、遗传学、细胞与分子生物学、生物技术等,开展作物生物育种研究,在Genome Research、Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America、Plant Cell、Plant Biotechnology Journal、iScience、The Plant Journal等期刊发表高水平...
Plant Biotechnology and In Vitro Biology in the 21st Century: Proceedings of the IXth International Congress of the International Association of Plant Tiss... Proceedings of the IXth International Congress of the International Association of Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology Jerusalem, Israel, 14–...
The European Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology Vegetable Bacterial Diseases in Turkey 来自 钛学术 喜欢 0 阅读量: 49 作者: Kubilay Bastas 摘要: Turkey ranks fourth in world vegetable production while production of many vegetables is in the top three. In the last two decades, bacterial ...
近日,华中农大园艺林学学院林学系汪念老师课题组在The Plant Journal杂志发表了题为“Phosphate (Pi) stress-responsive transcription factors PdeWRKY6 and PdeWRKY65 regulate the expression of PdePHT1;9 to modulate tissue Pi concentr...