【英语启蒙:The Planet Song for Kids】今天的视频不仅适合用来做宇宙科普,还是很好的英语启蒙素材~太阳系有八颗行星,都是什么呢?来让我们听听它们自己来介绍自己吧,它们分别是——Mercury水星、Venus金星、 Earth 地球、 Mars 火星、Jupiter 木星、Saturn 土星、Uranus 天王星、Neptune 海王星~附上歌词:There are eig...
8.3万 47 04:22 App The Solar System Song 太阳系之歌 KidsTV123 英语歌曲 2.5万 2 01:40 App Planet Songs 10-Naptune 行星之歌 10-海王星 中英文字幕 1.2万 1 02:02 App Planet Songs 9-Uranus 行星之歌 9-天王星 中英文字幕 4.6万 11 01:36 App Earth Song 地球之歌 StoryBots英文说唱 中英文...
Police Car & Fire Truck D Billions Kids Songs 01:38 Policeman, Fireman, Doctor & Other Professions D Billions Kids Songs 01:29 Put On Your Shoes D Billions Kids Songs 01:29 Rolling Rolling, Clap Clap D Billions Kids Songs公众号-阿甘的育儿资源库 01:12 Save the Planet! D Billions ...
Good for kids, and the planetLINDA MATCHAN
The Best Homemade Kids' Snacks on the Planet: More than 200 Healthy Homemade Snacks You and Your Kids Will Love If you're a parent or a caregiver, you know that kids are hungry all the time. And while you want to give them the best, snack time can be a true test. How... L ...
Here at National Geographic Kids, we know how much our readers want to make a positive difference to our world! So, read on to find out how to save the planet… 1. Be a habitat hero! All over the world,wild places are in trouble. As the humanpopulation has increased, we’ve taken...
收录于合集 #D Billions Kids Songs 126个 《D Billions Kids Songs》是一套非常受欢迎的英语歌谣TPR互动儿歌。这个被很多英语老师们称为“魔性课堂互动神曲系利”的儿歌,涵盖了孩子日常生活学习的各个主题。D Billions 将丰富多彩的动画与原创儿童韵律相结合,帮助...
Earth Day is April 22. It’s a day when people around the world work to help the planet. But many people, including kids, are passionate about protecting the Earth and its inhabitants every day.TIME for Kidsspoke with a few of them. Read here about five Kid Heroes for the Planet. May...
s called Roots & Shoots. Today, it has groups in more than 60 countries. At least 100,000 kids and teens are running more than 5,800 community projects. They support people, animals, and the planet. Goodall says it’s important for young people to hold onto the “hope that your ...
The Kiboomers《Planet Song | Lyrics | Solar System Song | Space Song | Nursery Rhyme | Kids Song》MV在线看!The Kiboomers 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!