you think you are perfect and it's always someone else's fault. In fact, when others look at you, they see all your flaws. Being optimistic is good, but making the worst plan is still necessary. You should always prepare for a rainy day. ...
As your Creator, God has every day of your life in His hands, and He knows the very best plan for your life. 你的每一天都在他手中, 他对你的一生也有一个最完美的计划。 Our pure and holy God longs to have you become a part of His forever family in Heaven! 他是我们的天父, 他更期...
You don’t know the plans The Lord has for you, but I just want to remind you that there is a plan. You’re on a journey and at most times you won’t be aware of where the road is leading you to, but I want you to promise to keep moving. The only time you should stop mov...
spend more time in the Word of God. Whatever He calls you to do, you must obey for that is where God’s blessing lies. Obey God’s written plan, His Word, and you will receive the plan God has for you as an individual. How do we find the faithful diligence...
In God Has a Plan for Your Life , Dr. Stanley shares the encouraging biblical truth that your future and hope rests securely in God and His plan. So many people live day to day wondering, "Does God have a plan for my life? If He does, can I know it?" Dr. Stanley believ...
Ain't you glad God has a plan When you stepped out on a word of faith Don't know where you were goin' The endless days you looked for hope With nothin' really showin' Then suddenly the sun broke through the clouds And you know it now ...
God has a plan for your life Home Jenny Lee Young Writer Motivational Speaker Christian ex-Guider Scientist Do things differently Writers retreat Good Wives Dreams Hold on! 1 / 10 Share this: Twitter Facebook Email Print Pinterest Loading... ...
2、God gives us evil at the same time, also give us conquer evil weapons. 神赋予我们恶的同时,也给我们征服恶的武器。 3、Any a labor is a noble, lofty career only labor. 任何一项劳动都是崇高的,崇高的事业只有劳动。 4、Cease to struggle and you cease to live. ...
God's plan for people in the beginning of the world was for them to go out and fill the earth. 创世之初神的计划是让人类遍满全地。 But the people felt very comfortable and secure staying together, so when they moved, they all moved together to the land of Shinar. 人们住在一起感到非常...
外部播放此歌曲> Paul K - The God Plan 专辑:Anandamide 歌手:Paul K 还没有歌词哦