翻译: 在“生命之轮”(the wheel of life)的中心,这三毒(poisons)分别用猪(pig)、鸟(bird,即pigeon)和蛇(snake),分别代表无知(ignorance)、执念(attachment)和怨恨(aversion)。正如生命之轮(梵语: bhavacakra)所示,这三种毒会...
Linkage studies of three-point crosses (triple backcross matings) showed that the linear sequence of three of the pig's immunogenetic traits the SLA major histocompatibility complex and the J and C blood group loci is SLA-J-C . Andresen & Baker (1964) and Rasmusen (1965) described close ...
“Milk is not on my list,”said Mrs. Pig. “我清单上没有牛奶,”猪女士回答。 “You bring some juice.”She was such a bossy pig! “你带些果汁。”猪女士是非常专横的一只猪。 Mrs. Pig looked at her list again. 猪女士又看向她的清单。 ...
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that you would stay thatll be the day thatll do pig thats a good question thats all i want tohe thats all folks thats beyond our bord thats enough thanks thats ew thats fast math we co thats for all time thats funny change thats goodthats bad thats gratitude mr up thats how you know...
Changes in pig behaviours are a useful aid in detecting early signs of compromised health and welfare. In commercial settings, automatic detection of pig behaviours through visual imaging remains a challenge due to farm demanding conditions, e.g., occlus
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Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in freshwater systems and intensified aquaculture have increased the risk to human health through exposure to cyanotoxins such as microcystin-LR (MC-LR). To understand the uptake and processing of MC-LR in humans, the pig was chosen as an animal model. This was ...
All four children involved in the case are left-behind children who lacked parental guidance in their upbringing. This situation is reminiscent of Chen Guilin, the protagonist of a popular crime thriller titled “The Pi...
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