For years, Dorian Gray could not free himself from the influence of this book. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he never sought to free himself from it. He procured from Paris no less than nine large-paper copies of the first edition, and had them bound in d...
The picture had to be concealed. There was no help for it. "Bring it in, Mr. Hubbard, please," he said, wearily, turning round. "I am sorry I kept you so long. I was thinking of something else." "Always glad to have a rest, Mr. Gray," answered the frame-maker, wh...
looking now at the evil and aging face on the canvas, and now at the fair young face that laughed back at him from the polished glass. The very sharpness of the contrast used to quicken his sense of pleasure (...
它代表了美丽、死亡、时间和艺术,这是这本书的所有主要主题,它的退化从字面上向我们展示了这些想法中固有的危险。 【参考资料】Oscar Wilde(奥斯卡·王尔德)《The Picture of Dorian Gray》《道林·格雷的照片》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End -——— 编辑于 2024-11-21 22:14...
The Picture of Dorian Gray豆瓣评分:9.0 简介:《道林•格雷的画像(Picture of Dorian Gray)》是王尔德的惟一一部小说,也是他美学思想的全面体现,因此已被认为是唯美主义小说中的力作。故事围绕着年轻而又漂亮惊人的道林•格雷展开。俊美的格雷立即激起国家
Penguin Classics(共1213册),这套丛书还有 《The Complete Poems》《The Professor》《Cold Comfort Farm》《Leviathan》《The Penguin Book of Korean Short Stories》等。 喜欢读"The Picture of Dorian Gray"的人也喜欢的电子书 ··· 支持Web、iPhone、iPad、Android 阅读器 白天的房子,夜晚的房子 18.99...
The Picture of Dorian Gray的创作者 ··· 奥斯卡·王尔德 作者 作者简介 ··· 奥斯卡·王尔德 Oscar Wilde(1854—1900) 英国作家、戏剧家、诗人 王尔德一生创作颇丰,童话、戏剧、小说如今均已是文学经典。 在他生活的维多利亚时代,世人将他的童话与安徒生相提并论,对他的剧作追捧至极,但小说《道林·格雷...
The Picture of Dorian Gray(道林·格雷的画像),少年道林·格雷相貌俊美,心地纯良。朋友霍华德为他画了一幅绝美的画像,而亨利勋爵的一席话让道林第一次意识到自己的青春和美。他不禁感叹:“真悲哀啊!我会变老,但这幅画将会永远年轻……如果能反过来就好了!如果永远