Dorian Gray glanced at the picture, and suddenly an uncontrollable feeling of hatred for Basil Hallward came over him, as though it had been suggested to him by the image on the canvas, whispered into his ear by those grinning lips. The mad passions of a hunted animal stirred wi...
Preface-Chapter 6 The Picture of Dorian Gray's plot begins with a painter,Basil Hallward, speaking to a friend,Lord Henry Wotton, about a portrait that Basil has just completed. The portrait is of a beautiful young man, Dorian Gray, with whom Basil is a little besotted. Dorian soon arriv...
CHAPTER 4 One afternoon, a month later, Dorian Gray was reclining in a luxurious arm-chair, in the little library of Lord Henry's house in Mayfair. It was, in its way, a very charming room, with its high panelled wainscoting of olive-stained oak, its cream-coloured frieze a...
Chapter 1 Quotes “He is all my art to me now.” Related Characters:Basil Hallward(speaker),Dorian Gray Related Themes: Page Numberand Citation:13 Explanation and Analysis: Unlockexplanationsandcitation infofor this and every otherThe Picture of Dorian Grayquote. ...
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde | Summary & Analysis from Chapter 9/ Lesson 2 45K What is The Picture of Dorian Gray about? This lesson summarizes the story of Dorian Gray and explores characters, themes, and the book's author Oscar Wilde. ...
Chapter 10 Explanation and Analysis—Huysmans' Against Nature: A turning point in The Picture of Dorian Gray occurs when Dorian Gray reads the "poisonous book" sent to him by Lord Henry. Although specific details on the book are vague, Wilde alludes to the notorious French novel Against ...
Chapter 1 Through the open windows of the room came the rich scent of summer flowers. Lord Henry Wottonlay backin his chair andsmoked his cigarette. Beyond the soft sounds of the garden he could just hear the noise of London. In the centre of the room there was aportraitof a very beau...
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde | Summary & Analysis from Chapter 9/ Lesson 2 46K What is The Picture of Dorian Gray about? This lesson summarizes the story of Dorian Gray and explores characters, themes, and the book's author Oscar Wilde. ...
The Picture Of Dorian Gray Analysis In The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde is able to show how possessions can change a man so drastically. Over the course of the book the readers examine how many items such as the painting, the yellow book and much more, shape and alter Dorian from...
CHAPTER VIII. It was long past noon when he awoke. His valet had crept several times on tiptoe into the room to see if he was stirring, and had wondered what made his young master sleep so late. Fin…