The author examines the type of female perversions as illustrated in the novel "The Piano Teacher," written by Elfriede Jelinek. The author mentions that the novel incidentally contribute to psychoanalysis, as others have observed that women with severe masochistic perversion, like the novel's main...
“Evocative, poignant and skillfully crafted,The Piano Teacheris more than an epic tale of war and a tangled, tortured love story. It is the kind of novel one consumes in great, greedy gulps, pausing (grudgingly) only when absolutely necessary...If we measure the skill of a fiction writer...
钢琴教师 英文原版小说 The Piano Teacher 诺贝尔文学奖得主 Elfriede Jelinek 埃尔弗里德耶利内克 英文版进口原版英语书籍 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:0元起 服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 参数 纸质; 版本 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(158) 正品(124) 坚固耐用(50)...
Other articles where The Piano Teacher is discussed: Elfriede Jelinek: …semiautobiographical novel Die Klavierspielerin (1983; The Piano Teacher, 1988) addressed issues of sexual repression; it was adapted for the screen in 2001. In her writings, Jeline
The Piano Teacher 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 埃尔夫丽德·耶利内克,1946年10月20日生于奥地利的米尔茨楚施拉格一个有捷克犹太血统的家庭。自幼开始学习钢琴、管风琴和长笛,后进入维也纳音乐学院就读。1964年毕业后,进入维也纳大学学习戏剧和艺术史。1971年在维也纳大学获得管风琴硕士学位。70年代初,她辗转柏...
当当瑞雅图书专营店在线销售正版《钢琴教师 The Piano Teacher 英文原版小说 钢琴老师 诺贝尔文学奖得主 Elfriede Jelinek 埃尔弗里德耶利内克 进口原版英语书籍》。最新《钢琴教师 The Piano Teacher 英文原版小说 钢琴老师 诺贝尔文学奖得主 Elfriede Jelinek 埃尔弗里德
The Piano Teacher In this riveting study of the dynamics of control, Academy Award–winning director Michael Haneke takes on Nobel laureate Elfriede Jelinek’s controversial 1983 novel about perverse female sexuality and the world of classical music. Haneke finds his match in Isabelle Huppert, who ...
secretly visits Turkish peep shows at night and watched sadomasochistic films. Meanwhile, a handsome, self-absorbed, seventeen-year-old student has become enamored with Erika and sets out to seduce her. She resists him at firstbut then the dark passions roiling under the piano teacher’s subdued...
图书 > 进口原版 > Literature & Fiction(文学与虚构类) > SendPoints > The Piano Teacher,钢琴教师 英文小说 Elfriede Jelinek Serpent’s Tail 善本图书旗舰店 The Piano Teacher,钢琴教师 英文小说 E... Elfriede Jelinek著 京东价 ¥ 促销 展开促销...