《The Physics of Quantum Mechanics》是Oxford University Press出版的图书,作者是James Binney,David Skinner 内容简介 Clear, rigorous introduction to one of the central theories of physics Emergence of classical world from quantum world Modern topics such as entanglement, quantum computing Demonstr...
> 英文原版 量子力学的物理 The Physics of Quantum Mechanics 英国天体物理学家詹姆斯·宾尼 进口英语书籍 英文版 广州瑞雅图书专营店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.9 高 物流履约: 4.4 中 售后服务: 4.3 低 手机下单 进店逛逛|关注店铺 关注 企业购更优惠 ...
(2014). The Physics of Quantum Mechanics, by James Binney and David Skinner. Contemporary Physics: Vol. 55, No. 4, pp. 340-341. doi: 10.1080/00107514.2014.933262doi:10.1080/00107514.2014.933262VogelManuelTaylor & Francis GroupContemporary Physics...
The Secrets of Quantum Physics 2of2《量子力学揭秘(2014)(下)》完整中英文对照剧本 热度: The Physics of Quantum Mechanics - University of Oxford量子力学的物理-牛津大学 热度: 在这纷繁复杂的生活之中 Beneaththecomplexitiesofeverydaylife, 世间的法则似乎尤为简单 ...
《The Physics of Quantum Fields》是Springer出版的图书,作者是Michael Stone 内容简介 A gentle introduction to the physics of quantized fields and many-body physics. Based on courses taught at the University of Illinois, it concentrates on the basic conceptual issues that many students find difficult,...
The physical description of all materials is rooted in quantum mechanics, which describes how atoms bond and electrons interact at a fundamental level. Although these quantum effects can in many cases be approximated by a classical description at the mac
The Principles of Quantum Mechanics的创作者· ··· 保罗·狄拉克作者 作者简介· ··· Paul Dirac (1902–1984), British theoretical physicist, Nobel laureate, and a founder of the field of quantum physics. 目录· ··· 1. The Principles...
文字版对应《Directions in physics》一书第一章 “The Development of Quantum Mechanics”。 狄拉克在1975年秋访问澳大利亚和新西兰时做了几场公共讲座,内容包括量子力学的发展、量子电动力学、磁单极子、正能相对论量子力学、宇宙学和引力常数。文字版本被整理出版在《Directions in physics》一书。 视频最早由...
While the text is intended for students with a wide range of interests, many of the examples are drawn from condensed matter physics because of the tangible character of such systems. The first part of the book uses the Hamiltonian operator language of traditional quantum mechanics to treat ...