The journal also intends to broaden the footprint of materials research covered by the Physical Review journals to include a previously underserved multidisciplinary community. This community includes not only physicists but also materials scientists, chemists, and engineers. The initial response from the...
- 《Physical Review Letters》 被引量: 206发表: 2012年 Plasma modification of polymer surfaces for adhesion improvement Polymers have wide-ranging applications in food packaging and decorative products, and as insulation for electronic devices. For these applications, the ad... FD Egitto,LJ Matienzo...
国内外相关研究的学术史梳理及研究动态怎么写? 陪伴是最... · 发表于论文辅导 Physical Review Journals究竟有多强 Miss 穆勒 【期刊推荐】历史学ssci 任编辑 · 发表于学术知识库 CSSCI(2021-2022)来源期刊目录-历史学 巨汇文化 App 内打开 欢迎参与讨论 赞同 1 是否在知乎 App 内阅读全文 取消确认...
Define Journals. Journals synonyms, Journals pronunciation, Journals translation, English dictionary definition of Journals. n. 1. a. A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary. b. An official record o
Current Contents/Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences Dimensions EBSCO Google Scholar INIS Atomindex INSPEC INSPIRE Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST) Naver Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service Portico ProQuest SCImago SCOPUS Science Citation Index ...
October 2018 | Launched in 2011, Nature Climate Change is one of several thematic Nature Research journals spanning the physical, social and life sciences. As well as Climate Action, it addresses many more of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, including: Affordable and Clean Energy, Responsi...
By publishing concurrently across journals like an emergency bulletin, we are not merely making a plea for awareness about climate change. Instead, we are demanding immediate, tangible steps that harness the power of microbiology and the expertise of researchers and policymakers to safeguard the ...
The Physical Society of Japan H-Index 143 Publication type Journals ISSN 00319015, 13474073 Coverage 1946-2023 Information Homepage How to publish in this journal Scope The papers published in JPSJ should treat fundamental and novel problems of physics scientifically and logically, and contribute to ...
The highest impact factor top 100 journals in the world impact factor 2025 and publishers namely Science Magazine, Nature
Review Physics book: CRYRING@ESR M. Lestinsky, V. Andrianov, B. Aurand… Pages 797-882 Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips Our Content Journals Books Book Series Protocols Reference Works Proceedings Other Sites SpringerProtocols SpringerMaterials AdisInsight...