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podcast (ˈpɒdˌkɑːst) n (Computer Science) an audio file similar to a radio broadcast, which can be downloaded and listened to on a computer, mp3 player, mobile phone, etc vb,-casts,-casting,-castor-casted 1.(Computer Science) (intr) to create such files and make them ava...
In addition to helping PSC bydonating, please also think of the podcast whenever you buy anything on Amazon UK - you never pay more, butuse/bookmark our affiliate linkand we get a little kick-back from Amazon - it all helps! The Phones Show (shorts), 2022 onwards ...
The (Un)Professional Boxing Podcast with Twitter's @BoxrecGrey & @TimBoxeo Show Notes 21 June Fights we watched last week (worth talking about) Lovejoy’s tweet of the week BUSTED 3 NUTS THIS MORNING, IM N THE GYM LIKE ITS NOTHIN https://twitter.com/lovejoyboxing/status/153756635259608268...
Whitesword’s new gaming podcast is at secretpassagepodcast.com or facebook.com/SecretPassages What is jenkem? Car Dings Spousal Abuse Edition has the Rappy beat we were talking about. Thanks, NomadCowATBK, for making us get Apple Store customer phone numbers. Click here to listen to last ...
Podcast Library. Browse through Top Charts. Purchase premium podcast subscriptions directly from browsers. Sync with your Apple Account, but you can also browse and listen without signing in. Do I Need iTunes for Windows to Access Podcasts on Windows Laptop?
Hello, podcast guest! There are many guides and how-tos out there for people who want to make podcasts. But what if someone's invited you to be on their podcast, and you don't know what you're supposed to do? Don't worry. This page is here to help guests like you. We'll make...
The best offerings, though, give users the option of moving from your phone to your tablet and back again. This means that they’re built as universal apps, optimized for both devices. More important, they allow you to sync your podcast listening habits between devices. Under this criteria...
The app lets you record and edit audio files, upload them to the most popular podcast platforms and see metrics on how many people have played your podcast, and your total audience size. It’s a neat way for beginners to try out the medium, there’s a library of royalty free back...
The app lets you record and edit audio files, upload them to the most popular podcast platforms and see metrics on how many people have played your podcast, and your total audience size. It’s a neat way for beginners to try out the medium, there’s a library of royalty free back...