What is the phobia of school called?Phobias:Many people have a phobia, or an intense, persistent, and irrational fear of something. For example, people who are afraid of heights have agoraphobia and those who are afraid of Halloween have samhainophobia....
2.A translated version of a text. 3.PhysicsMotion of a body in which every point of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point of the body. 4.BiologyThe process by which messenger RNA directs the amino acid sequence of a growing polypeptide during protein synth...
Preservation Act 1 (1973)Preservation Act 2 (1974)Soap Opera (1975)Schoolboys in Disgrace (1975)Sleepwalker (1977)Misfits (1978)Low Budget (1979)Give the People What They Want (1981)State of Confusion (1983)Word of Mouth (1984)Think Visual (1986)UK Jive (1989)Phobia (1993)音乐专辑 ...
Define schoolbook. schoolbook synonyms, schoolbook pronunciation, schoolbook translation, English dictionary definition of schoolbook. n. A textbook or other book for use in school. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.
school phobia school phobia School Physical Fitness Award Scheme School Planning Committee School Plant Managers Association School Plant Officials Association of British Columbia School Plant Officials Society of Alberta School prank school prawn School Prevention, Review and Intervention Team ...
School phobia(恐惧症) is a type of illness which causes the students, typicallybetween the ages of 8-13, to be afraid to go to school. Symptoms include stomachaches,tiredness, shaking, a racing heart and frequent trips to the toilet.o_36_ Most commonly it is the result of separation ...
haptophobia, haphophobia an abnormal fear of touching or being touched. Also called thixophobia. thigmotaxis involuntary response or reaction to the touch of outside objects or bodies, as in motile cells. — thigmotaetic, adj. thixophobia...
homefolk- the people of your home locality (especially your own family); "he wrote his homefolk every day" house- aristocratic family line; "the House of York" dynasty- a sequence of powerful leaders in the same family gens,name- family based on male descent; "he had no sons and there...
with pleasuregladly,of course,happily,readily,cheerfully,willingly,by all means`Could you put the advert in the post to us?' - `With pleasure.' Related words likehedonomania fearhedonophobia Quotations "Everyone is dragged on by their favourite pleasure" [VirgilEclogue] ...
Define School field trip. School field trip synonyms, School field trip pronunciation, School field trip translation, English dictionary definition of School field trip. n. A group excursion for the purpose of firsthand observation, as to a museum, the w