(查看原文) 风知 2025-01-04 19:26:35 —— 引自章节:无神的宗教 3 > 我来写笔记 > The Philosophy of Zen Buddhism 作者: Byung-Chul Han isbn: 1509545107 书名: The Philosophy of Zen Buddhism 页数: 120 译者: Daniel Steuer 定价: 16.95 出版社: Polity 出版年: 2022-11-14...
Zen Buddhism is a form of Mahāyāna Buddhism that originated in China and is strongly focused on meditation. It is characteristically sceptical towards language and distrustful of conceptual thought, which explains why Zen Buddhist sayings are so enigmatic and succinct. But despite Zen Buddhism’s ho...
Essays and etexts about the philosophy and major concepts of Buddhism as contained in the teachings of the Buddha and Buddhist texts.
Particular points of Buddhist philosophy have often been the subject of disputes between different schools of Buddhism. These elaborations and disputes gave rise to various schools in early Buddhism of Abhidhamma, and to the Mahayana traditions and schools of the prajnaparamita, Madhyamaka, Buddha-...
Socrates, one of the fathers of Western philosophy, claimed that the unexamined life isn't worth living, and most Buddhists would certainly agree with him. Because of the importance they place on logical reasoning and rational examination, many Buddhist traditions and schools have a strong philosoph...
Discover information about Buddhism, Buddhist teachings, and books that delve into this ancient philosophy.
The Harmony of BuddhismBuddhism has developed distinct Chinese characteristics in the course of 2,000 years of Chinese history.A philosophy of Harmony and Peace based on dependent origination and the concept of equality. The nidanas, or conditioned causality, and dependent origination are the ...
The Liberation of Matter: Examining Jingxi Zhanran's Philosophy of the Buddha-Nature of Insentient Beings in Tiantai Buddhism. This dissertation examines the notion that not only sentient beings but also insentient ones, e.g., flora, mountains, rivers, and manmade objects, have Bud... S Ch...
为什么佛学是真的Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment 对中国读者来说,可能并不陌生,《非零年代:人类命运的逻辑》和《道德动物:我们为什么如此》但是听说写佛学,你可能还是很吃惊。一个美国人,居然要写佛学?
The Philosophy of Life in Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea 海明威《老人与海》中的人生哲学 wenku.baidu.com 8. The Comparison of the Philosophy of Life between Buddhism and Christianity 佛教与基督教人生观的比较 wy.ynau.edu.cn 9. On the Philosophy of Life From Henri Bergson and ...