How Would the Philippine Educational Ecosystem Survive the Crisis of COVID-19.educational InstitutionsCOVID-19educational technologyeducational managementLike all other sectors, the educational sector in the Philippines has been hardly hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, as it is one of the largest sectors...
The Philippine government has described the state of the education system, including graduate education, as both "miseducation" and a "failed system," resulting in poor quality. In response, the Philippine Commission on Higher Education has introduced a new policy implicitly called the "no publicatio...
This paper is organized in six sections. Following the introduction, the second and third sections present the literature on educational expansions and inequalities, and the context of the Philippine education system between 1950 and 2015. The fourth, fifth, and sixth sections then discuss the analyt...
. Getting free education doesn’t mean spending time in prison and courts instead of hospitals and clinics. Doctors too have family, life , bills to pay . . . . . . and concerns about their children’s future. RBH59 The Health Sector In Crisis; Causes & Possible Curse According to the...
#HumanRights | The Philippine government is weaponizing terrorism-financing laws to silence activists and civil society groups. Baseless charges disrupt their work while authorities seek to exit FATF’s ‘grey list.’ International pressure is needed to stop these abuses. #StopTheCrackdown #HumanRig...
I was born, raised and educated in PI (that's the old school name of The Philippine Islands, now known as simply The Philippines). My folks and I migrated to the United States when I was only 14 and continued my high school education in NYC. In my junior year, my father suggested ...
When the topic is sex, Philippine reporters seem even less able than most to write in normal adult sane-person language: With nightclubs closed to prevent the spread of coronavirus…there has been a dearth of customers for commercial sex workers, according to [Iloilo City’s] Task Force on ...
BEIJING, April 16 (Xinhua) -- Washington has recently claimed that any attack on Philippine aircraft, vessels or armed forces in the South China Sea would invoke the mutual defense treaty between the United States and the Philippines. While the U.S. concept of mutual defense appears to protect...
Peace and international understanding education as a philosophy and field of practice has grown substantially in recent decades. It is included within global curricular and pedagogical programs of schools, universities, non-governmental organizations, and international agencies. The interdisciplinary field draw...
Is the social science community in the Philippines intellectually and culturally equipped to respond to such urgent needs? There are a number of factors that prevent the Philippine social science community from being able to meaningfully relate itself to these emergent concerns of a society in crisis...