Finally, in our fourth example that looked at germs on water bottles, we saw a fascinating phenomenon happen beyond the first month where there was a very significant secondary spike. This spike represents syndication across (all or most) of the iHeartRadio network. As this example demonstrate...
As scientists, we are proud of our role in developing the current digital age that enables billions of people to communicate rapidly with others via social media. However, when things go wrong, we are also responsible for taking an ethical stand and tryi
Meta-analysis demonstrates that providing supplements such as Vitamin D, etc. and reducing simple carbohydrates and sugars and eating more vegetables, fruits and healthy fats during regular meals can ameliorate the symptoms and promote health.
thermokarst lakes (Fig.1C and D), and are significantly higher in the surface 0–30 cm layer than in the deeper sediments (>30 cm) (p < 0.01; Figs.2AandS2). This phenomenon is consistent with the vertical distribution of SOC and TN in the QTP permafrost regions35. In contra...
In the last few weeks, heavy and intense rains, which resulted from the phenomenon of El Niño, hit Peru and caused hundreds of deaths, with more than 800,000 people affected, over 100,000 homes destroyed and more than a thousand roads and bridges collapsed. Xi's Alaska stopover sets po...
Olbers Paradox asks why the night sky is dark if the Universe is infinitely old and static – there should be stars everywhere. The observable phenomenon of a dark sky leads us directly into the debate about the very nature of the Universe – is it eternal and static, or is it dynamic ...
2(b). The ratio of 20:1 (EO:Li) shows partially both, a reasonable charge but also a blocking-type polarization. This phenomenon is obviously independent of the cathode and rather related with the electrolyte properties, i.e. ionic conductivity. To be more precise, this phenomenon can be ...
A similar phenomenon was observed previously for other typical β-Ti alloys, such as ECAP-treated Ti–36Nb–2Ta–3Zr [13] and cold rolled Ti–35.7Nb–1.9Ta–2.8Zr-0.4O alloys [73]. For the CRA sample, the generated high-density dislocations entangled with each other, hindering their ...
Because of the distinctive vertical climate and topography gradients in the alpine region, the snow cover of the Tienshan Mountains possesses complex spatiotemporal heterogeneity, particularly during the melting process. Quantifying the environmental fac
We therefore employed a trans-stimulation assay to investigate whether the host-derived peptides are substrates of PfCRT (Fig. 2a). Trans-stimulation is a phenomenon exhibited by many carrier-type transporters (such as PfCRT21,35) whereby the reorientation of the binding site between the two ...