Interestingly, the spatial distribution of the secretory system is segregated into upper and lower parts concerning the pharynx, and body wall muscle is also divided into two parts distributed in different spatial locations, with one part located close to the dorsal side and one to the ventral ...
b. Complaint of a disease or injury of the spine or sacroiliac joints with or without objective signs that has prevented the individual from successfully following a physically active vocation in civilian life or that is associated with pain referred to the lower extremities, muscular spasm, postura...
The outline of the pharynx is diagrammed as a landmark. Anterior is left; dorsal is up. (B) A SNB-1::GFP fusion localizes GFP to the lumenal side of synaptic vesicles. (C) Diagram of a typical synapse, with vesicles and an active zone in a slight thickening. (D) Flattened cross-...
The sense organs or receptors (Carthy and Newell, 1968; Dethier, 1963; Horridge, 1965) are those structures whereby the energy of a stimulus arising outside or, less obviously, within the insect, is transformed into a nervous impulse which, after transmission to one of the central ganglia, ...
This process is associated with psychiatric disorders, and is also manifested by inflammatory and degenerative symptoms in brain tissues, cerebral vessels and the collector system, which allows us to raise the question of defining the disease as atypical encephalitis. Possible pathogens that can both ...
The apical part of the embryonic left ventricle is also beginning to balloon at the outer curvature of the loop. The outflow tract still bifurcates just ventral to the pharynx into the ventral aortas, which continue dorsally on either side of the pharynx to join both dorsal aortas. The ...
Endoscopy has been used to image the pharynx, esophagus, and cardiac region of the stomach. Oral endoscopy and passing any endoscope through the mouth is not recommended because of the potential of the patient's sharp teeth to damage the scope. Nasal endoscopy limits the diameter to about 6...
We describe here the overall regulatory logic of enteric nervous system differentiation of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans that resides within the foregut (pharynx) of the worm. A C. elegans homolog of the Drosophila Sine oculis homeobox gene, ceh-34, is expressed in all 14 classe...
The viral stress sensor exhibited constitutive activity in uninfected individuals, which was restricted to specific tissues. GFP was observed at all developmental stages in the pharynx and the rectum of hermaphrodites. Additionally, hermaphrodites at the L4 larval stage would show a strong GFP signal...
The human respiratory system is comprised of special organs designed to take in oxygen for the air we breathe and expel carbon monoxide, keeping us alive. Let's take a closer look at these organs and explore respiratory physiology in more detail.