Kuhn’s Structure was perfectly timed to correspond to the hippie/protest era, which distrusted big pharma and the rest of science, and especially the cozy relationships between academia, government, and corporations – institutions of social and political power. Kuhn had no idea that he was writi...
B.K.K. is board chair of Torcept Therapeutics, a board member and scientific adviser for PDL Pharma, a scientific adviser for AFFIRMATIVhealth, and a board member of L-Nutra. B.K.K. is named on patents held by PDL Pharma related to ageing interventions and performs corporate-sponsored re...
The study published in Journal of Functional Foods explores the molecular mechanisms underlying chicoric acid’s (CA) role in glucose metabolism. Chicoric acid, a natural polyphenolic compound found in plants like chicory and basil, has garnered attention for its anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic pro...
Entos Pharmaceuticals https://www.entospharma.com/fusogenix (2022). Shmulevitz, M. & Duncan, R. A new class of fusion-associated small transmembrane (FAST) proteins encoded by the non-enveloped fusogenic reoviruses. EMBO J. 19, 902–912 (2000). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google ...
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co KG, 88397, Biberach a.d. Riss, Germany Marc A. Grundl Contributions Conception and design: BK; SKI. Analysis and interpretation: BL, BK; TM; MAG; RD; GS; SKI. Data collection: BL; BK; PK; RD; TM; SKI. Writing...
a product of the cleavage of insulin-like growth factor 1 in the brain (Hudu et al.2023). The exact mechanism of action of trofinetide is not fully understood. However, there is evidence that it modulates the insulin-like growth factor 1 pathway, improves synaptic function, and reduces le...
Trump’s picks would be different, particularly the Kennedy choice since his stance on pharma and pandemic planning was well known. A choice for him would represent a repudiation of the past five years of policy, a prospect nearly all of Washington dreaded. In the course of events, an ...
“Novel route of administration” as the search term. The search yielded 26,973 journal articles related to the “Novel route of administration” since the library was built. All retrieved articles were imported into an EndNote database, 7963 duplicate articles were deleted. The remaining 20,010...
Pharmacognostical Studies on the Root of Anacyclus pyrethrum DC; NISCAIR-CSIR: Delhi, India, 2012. [Google Scholar] Manouze, H.; Bouchatta, O.; Gadhi, A.C.; Bennis, M.; Sokar, Z.; Ba-M’hamed, S. Anti-inflammatory, Antinociceptive, and Antiox-idant Activities of Methanol and ...
Beitrag zur kollektiven Behandlung pharmakologischer Reihenversuche. Naunyn. Schmiedebergs. Arch. Exp. Pathol. Pharmakol. 1931, 162, 480–483. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Mosmann, T. Rapid Colorimetric Assay for Cellular Growth and Survival: Application to Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Assays. J...