来自幽灵的威胁(Episode I - The Phantom Menace) (随想随写。细看的是英文版。)“现代性的神学起源”这个偏正词组,中心或重心在哪里?这就见仁见智了。不同的仁和智,也就导致了对这本书的不同“贪图”、索求、理解。如果说现代社会的现代性思想话语历程和话语是波澜壮阔的“大河剧”、“延伸剧”和无数的“...
watching The Phantom Menace. These two are Siamese twins, but one speaks one language and one speaks another. Get it? Get it? Lucas is aiming at four-year-olds. Watto is a flying blue piece of crap. I can just picture Lucas, “OK, good. We have one creature that can swim. So, ...
It explores the film's repetitions and variations of function, in a consciously or unconsciously integrated viewing.LancashireAnneEBSCO_AspFilm CriticismLancashire, Anne. "The Phantom Menace: Repetition, Variation, Integration." Film Criticism 24 (2000): 23-44....
The Phantom Menace 《The Phantom Menace》是2020年上映的一部微电影,导演是Graeme Arnfield。剧情简介 The Phantom Menace United Kingdom by Graeme Arnfield World premiere
Summary The Phantom Menacehas become more beloved over the years, but some quotes have still aged very poorly. Lines from Anakin Skywalker and Jar Jar Binks are simply out of place or poorly written, making light of serious moments.
星球大战前传1:幽灵的威胁(Star_Wars:Episode_I_-_The_Phantom_Menace)1999_中英对照_台词本_单词标注 热度: Captain.Yes,sir? 船长是长官 Tellthemwewishtoboardatonce. 通知他们我们要登舰了 Withallduerespect,theambassadorsforthesupremechancellor
相关报道>>更多 《星战前传:幽灵的威胁》评论:一部倒退的影片(10/22 12:07) 外语科幻片《星战前传:幽灵的威胁》影片介绍(10/22 12:06) 外语科幻片《星战前传:幽灵的威胁》演员介绍(10/22 12:06) 剧照与图片>>更多
The Phantom Menace(机器翻译:幽灵的威胁)作者:Patricia C Wrede 出版社:SCHOLASTIC ISBN(13位):9780590010894 语种:英语 开本:32 页数:192 市场价:¥ 61.3装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 其他 九成新 ¥ 18.40 ¥ 16.19 0 有货通知 内容简介 很久以前,在一个遥远的星系里……一个世界受到威胁.一位...
星球大战前传1:幽灵的威胁(Star_Wars:Episode_I_-_The_Phantom_Menace)1999_中英对照_台词本_单词标注 热度: STARWARS EpisodeI:ThePhantomMenace Writtenby GeorgeLucas 1EXT.SPACE(FX)1 TITLECARD:Alongtimeagoinagalaxyfar,far away... Avastseaofstarsservesasthebackdropforthemain title...