In the late 1960s, the Beach Boys' Brian Wilson stops touring, produces "Pet Sounds" and begins to lose his grip on reality. By the 1980s, Wilson (John Cusack), under the sway of a controlling therapist, finds a savior in Melinda Ledbetter. Actors: John Cusack, Paul Da...
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou 2012 3,830 votes Sorata Kanda is a high school student who is forced to live in a dorm for eccentric students called the Sakura Dormitory. He meets Mashiro Shiina, a talented artist who struggles with basic life skills, and becomes her caretaker while she pursues...
Marcel lives with his grandmother Connie and their pet lint, Alan. They were once part of a sprawling community of shells but now have a lonely existence. When a documentary filmmaker discovers them in his Airbnb, he posts a video that earns Marcel fame and fans — and hope of finding ...
He brags, in the movie, that his car is the fastest car in the world and one of only four ever made. Death Proof Billed as a “crash course in revenge,” 'Death Proof' is another foray into cinema by the renowned Quentin Tarantino. The 2007 film stars Kurt Russell, a psycho killer...
The story is so rich and full of heart, and the whole thing is epic in scale while retaining the essence of a human drama. Check out our Suzume review for more on this anime movie. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Image credit: Sony Pictures) Year: 2023Director(s): Joaquim Dos...
See full article at Deadline Film + TV 11/17/2020 by Denise Petski Deadline Film + TVHere’s Everything New Coming to HBO in May As we wade deeper into the uncertain waters of isolated living, the list of movies and TV shows you haven’t seen already may be starting to dwindle. ...
Of course, it wouldn't be an animated family movie if they didn't discoer the importance of friendship, acceptance, and staying true to yourself while doing all that, too. This rainbow Technicolor dream is full of pop standards and glitter that the whole family can get in on. 76% ...
12/19/2024 by Bill Desowitz Indiewire The 100 Most-Anticipated Films of 2025: Part Two 12/19/2024 by The Film Stage The Film Stage Christopher Nolan gives a thumbs up to Gladiator II as his favourite movie of the year 12/18/2024 ...
The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated byMelissa Petruzzello.
Movie Experience., the nine-part anime film, three additional bonus discs include more than 35 hours of additional features and a digital copy of. Full list of special features after the jump. Disc #1 -(1999) In-Movie Experience Written introduction by the Wachowski brothers Philosophers ...