The poem narrates a kind of Agatha Christie murder story in a country house. No one, in the end, survives the weekend. When the sun (the light of Reason? the eye of God?) shows up to survey the damage and “tidy up,” he is unable to separate “the assassins from the victims.”...
This is a love poem.The speaker compares his beloved to the summer,yet he goes on to say that the beloved surpasses summer since summer is too short and it is subject to the changes of the sun,which is casted into shadow at times.Every ordinary beauty will lose her beauty as time goes...
Bullfighting. This year again, together with Luismi, we went toVic-Fezensacto attend itscorrida concurso(same wording in French) with very strong bulls from different breedings. This year it was especially tough for the bullfighters as it was raining all the morning. Despite that, we saw a...
2.TheNarratorsinTheGreatGatsby 3.WhyChooseaFirst-PersonNarrator4.UnreliableNarrator Definitionof“Narrator”•[DefinitionfromOxfordDictionary]:Apersonwhonarratessomething,especiallyacharacterwhorecountstheeventsofanovelornarrativepoem.(?)•“Thenarrator”=“thewriter”?(e.g.APortraitofanArtistasaYoungMan)...
“It’s something to sit and savor.”“I think of watching ‘Ratatouille’ and the way that they drink wine,” she continued. “It is a sort of event.” Big H/T to the person I forgot to note who mentioned that reliance on a cartoon you saw as a child shaping your adult drinking...
that is, with manufactures made with a narrow aim at the market. The lingering American popular view, disseminated by pedagogues, that the reading of non-fiction was instructive and meritorious, that of fiction, harmful or at best self-indulgent, was not without implicit backing in the attitude...
The novel consists actually of 3 parts though only the first part is most well-known and widely read, in this part the hero of the story, Robinson Crusoe, narrates in the first person how he goes to sea, gets shipwrecked and marooned on a lonely island, struggles to live for twenty-...
The verse that narrates the state of those who scream in hell by stating, “Our Lord! We obeyed our chiefs and our great ones and they misled us as to the (right) path...” informs us about the outcome of imitation in the hereafter. (al-Ahzab, 67) What is essential is searching ...
Since the poem is concerned primarily with the irregular musings of the narrator, it can be difficult to interpret. Laurence Perrine wrote that "[the poem] presents the apparently random thoughts going through a person's head within a certain time interval, in which the transitional links are ...
Most of the poem is addressed to Elizabeth Mayer, a supportive maternal figure who was a key source of peace and happiness in Auden’s life. We fall down in the dance,” he wrote. “We make The old ridiculous mistake, But always there are such as you ...