他不在乎去市中心,而是把隧道本身看作是一个目的地——像青春期一样,他可以和同龄人一起享受。 【参考资料】Stephen Chbosky(斯蒂芬·奇博斯基)《The Perks of Being a Wallflower》《成为壁花的好处》电子书和网络公开资料。 ———- End ——— 发布于 2024-12-05 00:10...
The perks of being a wallflower Charlie is a fresh man in senior high school. He has serious psychological problem because of his aunt’s death when he was a little boy. His shyness and fear make him fail to communicate with others. So he writes everything down as letters to his ...
壁花少年读书笔记 The perks of being a wallflower 读完入门级原著《The perks of being a wallflower》,做一个心得总结,对准备看这本书的朋友做一个简单介绍。 讲述的是一个高中男生在青春懵懂时期的心理感受。 全文通过日记的形式展开,以少年一人称的口吻讲述其在生活中与朋友,亲人发生的故事。 故事说的是,少...
The Perks of Being a WallflowerPlot and Chapter Summaries As an epistolary novel, the story is not divided into chapters but instead dated letters. It is also divided into four separate parts.The Perks of Being a Wallflowerbook summary is as follows: ...
也许我们在想象这本应清苦的景色时总时不时的把自己当作孤独的主角了吧放自己到虚拟的舞台上去错把凄凉当作了聚光灯眼里只看到了一时的病态之美却忘了这单薄而虚弱的美背后吞噬人心的深不见底的黑暗力量 《ThePerksofBeingaWallflower》:那一刻,我们自由无垠 2014-04-06 00:09 如果孤独这种情绪真有意象的话,我想...
The Perks of Being a Wallflower,一般译作“壁花少年”,明了却不大准确的意译。Wallflower,(美国俚语)指one who is alone at dance,即舞会上未被邀请跳舞在旁边坐着的人;Perk一词并未译出,放在书名中难解其意。作者叫做Stephen Chbosky,脑中下意识浮现出Chomsky(发音有点像),因此一开始还以为是本语言学著作...
与这种青春疏离相呼应的是美国作家Stephen Chbosky的书信体青春小说《壁花之巅》(The Perks of Being a Wall Flower)。主人公高中生查理敏感,忧郁,内向又早熟,他喜欢把一些毫无关联支离破碎的字词贴在墙上写下没有意义的诗句,只是因为沉迷于那些连在一起的发音。他不能融入与自己同龄的群体,却又无法抗拒青春所带来...
All corners of eyes were on me. SENTENCES: We accept the love we think we deserve. I just think it's bad when a boy looks at a girl and thinks that the way he sees the girl is better than the girl actually is. And I think it's bad when the most honest way a boy can look ...
wallflowerperks少年经典简介friends Theperksofbeingawallflower Charlieisafreshmaninseniorhighschool.Hehasseriouspsychological problembecauseofhisaunt’sdeathwhenhewasalittleboy.Hisshyness andfearmakehimfailtocommunicatewithothers.Sohewrites everythingdownasletterstohisinvisiblefriend.Thefirstdayhegoesto ...
-You see things and you understand, like a wallflower. 壁花。我從未見過壁花——亦或是我也曾與某月某日見過它。然而我很想知道,那究竟是一抹怎樣的顏色才能在這暴躁的世界中安靜地生發,並安靜地走向死亡。 就像Charlie。他觀察,洞穿。他看到了醜陋的,於是他理解,並微笑;或是他看到了美的,於是他沈醉,他愛...