Crypt Sermon - The Stygian Rose (Dark Descent)Drought - Drought EP (Iodine)The Early November - The Early November (Pure Noise)Eivør - ENN (Season Of Mist)Embryonic Autopsy - Origins Of The Deformed (Massacre)Fu Manchu - The Return Of Tomorrow (At The Dojo)Julie Christmas - Ridiculous...
An exact dating of the composition of Reipublicae christianopolitanae descriptio is not possible269 It was published in 1619 in Strasburg by the firm of Lazarus Zetzner, who also brought out Mythologiœ Christianœ, Memorialia, Turris Babel, Geistlic
This incident gave me more matter for reflection even than the sermon: and wonderment at the extent and prevalence of Lordolatory in this country. What could it matter to Snob whether his Reverence were chaplain to his Lordship or not? What Peerageworship there is all through this free countr...
On 1 January, AD 400, the bishop Asterius of Amasea in Pontus (modern Amasya, Turkey) preached a sermon against the Feast of Calends (“this foolish and harmful delight”) that describes the role of the mock king in Late Antiquity. The New Year’s feast included children arriving at eac...
The ONLY reason we celebrate Christmas is because Jesus was God’s perfect Gift to mankind. While remembering the day (regardless of the date) that God became a baby and dwelt among us, we offer gifts to each other in memory of the unique Gift wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a...
The new cherry blossom biome in the Trails and Tales update gave me even more building materials to expand my growing city, and the Caves and Cliffs update is the gift that keeps giving—providing me the perfect seed for creating a sprawling underground dwarven city. 3. Elden Ring Released ...
I love the first few minute and a half of “Sway” in particular, with it being one of the few examples where I really feel that Troy had to have a lead vocal part, his gentle tone a perfect match for the hushed whisper the vocal melody is delivered in. It all gets a little ...
I thumbed through the pamphlet in front of me to kill time during the sermon. I saw drawings of a man who was in the ground, practically the same drawing I’d seen in the pamphlet dropped off at my house. The book talked about the importance of being saved before you die so your so...
Great sermon on the simplicity of the gospel, how quickly we forget that and try to add to it, for our own account and benefit. There is really only one true way and it is through simply Jesus. Remember, the darker it gets, the brighter and farther our little light shines! Maranatha,...
To understand the sermon, and Winthrop, we need first to understand the context in which it was created. Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses in Wittenberg, Germany just over a century before the first waves of English migration to the Americas, and three quarters of a century after Gutenberg’...