He stared at me uncomprehendingly for several seconds and then the penny dropped and he flushed scarlet from neck to hairline. You wanna spank me? he gasped incredulously. It’s a highly reliable way of getting a red tail, I informed him solemnly. But…….I mean……..oh, shit! I neve...
They tossed a tarnished twopenny piece to see who would dish out the presents this year. She won, and giggled at the thought. There were gifts for the twins, but they would be stacked neatly to one side as she sorted out the presents. He grabbed a few photos of the presents under t...
[1830–35; probably identical with rap a counterfeit halfpenny once circulated in Ireland] rap3 (ræp) v.t.rappedrapt, rap•ping.Archaic. to transport with rapture. [1520–30; back formation fromrapt] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copy...
In Penny Marshall’s The Preacher’s Wife, Courtney B. Vance’s Reverend Henry Biggs is having a rough time. He’s spread himself so thin helping out his parishioner community, struggling with dwindling membership, and battling a real estate mogul trying to buy up his church that he’s har...
the three orders of s the three penny opera the three pyramids the three sisters the three things it m the three tragedies o the three-dimensional the throttle loose the thrushes they wer the thunder makes her the tianshizhai picto the tibia compression the tide coming in the tien chu hong...
twood blends twopass compiler twopenny twosled twostagesofaferroelec twotone effect leathe twocomponent emulsion tx-coupler transmit c txioutn txiq txq txqm transmission-q m txy txzc tx transmittransmissi ty gv ty tryon tya transfer index y tyay tybb tycho brache tycos tyears ago when ...
It's tempting to think of Penny Marshall's 1988 comedy Big as a "body-swapping" movie, but as with 13 Going on 30, that's not exactly the case, since the only person these main characters are "swapping" with is themselves. Just older. Still, it exercises the same kind of skills fo...
Luigi is Mario's younger but taller twin brother, the secondary protagonist of the Super Mario franchise, and the main protagonist of the Luigi's Mansion series. Throughout his life, he has lived in Mario's shadow, developing both cowardly and...
A typical promo by a penny-stock outfit (Global Biotech) that presently [10/2010] seems to be doing more "positioning" than marketing Aquafer WaterSource magnetic, catalytic ? Mfr's site claims that the device uses KDF filter but no magnets, but this sales site says "well refined catal...
Informal:bundle,pretty penny,tidy sum. Slang:pile. The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. ...