Therefore, the peak in ice-free water occurred after the sampling period, but the extent of ice-free water was already larger in the off-shelf region and ice cover increased shoreward from the shelf break towards the continent (Arrigo et al., 2017). The southern zone of the sampling ...
doi:10.1088/0022-3719/14/32/002S K BurkeW G StirlingKeith Mcewen
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For a set of given matching scales \({\tilde{\mu }}_{n}\) for the transition from \(n - 1\) to n active flavors, we define the “canonical” number of flavors at given \(L = 2 \ln \mu \) as $$\begin{aligned} n(L)&= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 3 &{} \hbox {...
1. Stirling Best for castle fanatics Advertisement With an impregnable position atop a mighty wooded crag – the plug of an extinct volcano – Stirling’s beautifully preserved Old Town is a treasure trove of historic buildings and cobbled streets winding up to the ramparts of Stirling Castle. ...
Bruce McLaren gulps a fresh breath of air at Riverside during the 1960 US GP, he was third in his Cooper T53 Climax behind the Lotus 18s of Stirling Moss and Innes Ireland. See here: (P Biro) Biro about to have the ...
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A P value was assigned to each peak to assess whether it was differentially enriched in sample 11 against sample 7. In addition, these peaks have been annotated with their genomic location and other features, including CFSs, G4 motifs, transcribed genes, COSMIC cancer mutations, COSMIC cancer ...
Next, we quantified overshoot by taking the peak value reached by the signal, subtracting the value of the target step, dividing this by the size of the step, and multiplying by 100. In this way we expressed overshoot as the percentage that the signal exceeds the target step size value. ...
Thanks to the generous funding from Yardi, the Stirling Carers Centre can provide much-needed relief to unpaid carers, inspiring hope and resilience. This funding enables the Centre to expand its reach, reaching more carers needing support and making a significant difference in their lives. “We ...