the past tense oftear1 tore (tɔː) n (Architecture)architectanother name fortorus1 [C17: from French, from Latin: torus] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
The past participle of the word ''tear'' is the word ''torn.'' As a past participle, the word ''torn'' is used to denote that the tearing action... See full answer below.Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question ...
The phrasal verb "tear up" is used to describe the tears (water) that come to your eyes in an emotional situation (often sad, but sometimes happy. We use "Teared up" in the past tense, to describe "tearing up" in the past. In this usage, you want to pronounce it like "tea" tha...
A tear rolled down his cheek as he saw his dad tear up his favourite book. Your turn.当他看到父亲撕坏了他最喜欢的书时,他的泪水滚落在脸颊上。轮到你了。Nice! Now there are some clues in this sentence that help us to know which word is a noun and which one is a verb. So articles...
What is the simple past tense of feel? What is the past perfect tense of affect? What is the past tense of "through"? What is the past perfect tense of hold? What is the past perfect tense of come? What is the past perfect tense of dry? What is the past participle of 'tear'?
1. To become torn: The fabric does not tear easily. 2. To move with heedless speed; rush headlong: tore off down the road; tore along the avenue. n. 1. The act of tearing. 2. The result of tearing; a rip or rent: The shirt has a small tear. 3. A great rush; a hurry. 4...
@Unknown:The past tense of William Shakespeare would be Wouldiwas Shookspeared. 撕裂Tear和分层tier的发音相同,但撕裂tear和哭泣tear 的发音不同... @Atal15:Tear and tier are pronounced the same, yet tear and tear are pronounced differently. ...
During the meal one tear crept down his dingy cheek -- but it was just a little leftover tear and meant nothing at all. The lamp on the table was well-trimmed, burning blue at the edges of the wick, and casting a cheerful light in the kitchen. When Miss Amelia had eaten her ...
His face was red, and tear streaked. He kicked off his football shorts and his trunks before turning round to face me. I caught an eyeful of his flaccid cock, hanging low from his pubic bush. He had no thoughts to cover his manhood as his hands were far too busy trying to comfort ...
“No,” he declared, “I can’t do it. I can’t trust a useless young tearaway like you. Off you go. I’ll wait here until someone else turns up.” “But that probably won’t be until the morning, you obstinate old duffer. I know it’s summer, but you’re still gonna get ...