The research explores how the discipline has evolved, what geographies and thematic areas it covered in the past, and what is the future of this discipline. These explorations start a conversation on cultural diplomacy as an independent academic discipline that most recently has gained a wider and...
Shared past experiences and similar aims and goals have brought China and Africa close together. China and Africa will always be a community of shared future. Developing solidarity and cooperation with African countries has been the cornerstone of China’s foreign policy, as well as a firm and l...
In his congratulatory message to the Lanting Forum on Chinese Modernization and the World, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that realizing modernization has been a relentless pursuit of the Chinese people since modern times, and that it is ...
(2010) The Unrealized Potential of Cultural Diplomacy: "Best" Practices" and What Could Be, If Only. Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 39(4), 260-279.The Unrealized Potential of Cultural Diplomacy: `Best Practices' and What Could Be, If Only..." Journal of Arts Management, ...
I. A Review of Our Work in 2022 and over the Past Five Years 2022年是党和国家历史上极为重要的一年。党的二十大胜利召开,描绘了全面建设社会主义现代化国家的宏伟蓝图。面对风高浪急的国际环境和艰巨繁重的国内改革发展稳定任务,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全国各族人民迎难而上,全面落实疫情要防住、...
the young Brazilian journalist group, and the Indian youth delegation. Through on-site visit and friendly engagement, they learned about Chengdu’s history and culture as well as its present and future, gaining a genuine, vivid, and multidimensional view of China through their experiences in Chengd...
Cultural Diplomacy : Peace, Tolerance, Understanding About “Passivity harms the cause of human rights.” HIH Princess Ashraf Pahlavi Chair of the UN High Commission for Human Rights, 1970 “Peace is not only better than war, but infinitely more arduous.” ...
The top leaders of the two parties and two countries made strategic planning on deepening the China-Viet Nam community with a shared future and provided political guidance for the growth of bilateral ties in the next stage. Both sides were of the view that the common ideals and beliefs are ...
From soft power to reputational security: rethinking public diplomacy and cultural diplomacy for a dangerous age This paper identifies four rhetorical strategies used during the COVID 19 pandemic by communicators associated with nation states to either enhance their o... NJ Cull - 《Place Branding &...
Cultural diplomacy has the potential to demonstrate national power; it creates a favorable climate for policy support, and assist in the collection and interpretation of information. This, in turn, assists in enhancing nation's prestige and aids in garnering its international stance. Finally, all ...