[课件] 初中英语牛津译林版《Grammar: Passive voice in the simple present and past tenses》优质课PPT课件下载八年级下册 Trees are planted by us. (树是由我们种的。)B. 被动语态 (the Passive Voice)A. 主动语态 (the Active Voice)英语动词有两种语态:主动语态Many people speak English.English is spok...
fill in “ the active voice or the passive voice”.5. Structures.Step 3 Task 11. The passive voice in the simple present tense.2. Examples, structures, conclusion and exercises.Step 4 Task 21. The passive voice in the simple past tense.2. Examples, structures, conclusion and exercises ...
6. Present Indicative Tense I: Verb conjugation in the present tense in English is not complicated. For example, taking the verb “to go” - singular: I go, you go, he goes; plural: we go, you go, they go. By contrast, learning verb conjugations in one of the Romance languages take...
thesunisthelargestsourceofbluelight.Moreover,bluelightisalsopresentinLEDlight.Butif bluelightisn?tharmful,then whyare weconstantlyrubbingoureyeswhen we?relookingat ourscreens? Theansweriseyestrain(眼疲劳): Morethan60percentofpeopleexperienceeye problemsassociated with digitaleyestrain.And bluelight,itseems...
Note: Has Had - A verb combination that often causes confusion in the present perfect simple is has had or have had. Ex. I have had enough of your complaining! Have is the auxiliary (or helping) verb and had is the V3 (or past participle) of the main verb to have. It may look ...
Exercises for the Grammar→I. Put the following sentences into the passive voice or form.1. They make shoes in that factory.2. People must not leave bicycles in the driveway.3. They built that skyscraper in 1934.4. The students will finish the course by July.5. They are repairing the ...
Exercises for the Grammar→I. Put the following sentences into the passive voice or form.1. They make shoes in that factory.2. People must not leave bicycles in the driveway.3. They built that skyscraper in 1934.4. The students will finish the course by July.5. They are repairing the ...
and screening strategies used to insure that only those students who were motivated enough to master the discipline of non-judgmental observation, the discipline to be present and open to any experience, would continue to participate in the training process. I finally understood. I was being ...
Passive Voice Practice Exercises Passive Voice Exercise #1 Change the active sentences to the passive voice. (Only present simple and past simple tenses) 1.I didn't fix the problem. 2.Police protect the town. 3.John's mother raised him in a small town. ...