The Passion of the Christ(2004) Showing all 5 items Jump to: Photos(4) Quotes(1) Photos Quotes Annas:Yes, we'll listen to those that have heard your blashpemies. Good! Let's hear them! Accuser:He cures the sick by magic! With the help of devils! I've seen it. He casts out ...
The Passion of the Christ: Directed by Mel Gibson. With Jim Caviezel, Maia Morgenstern, Christo Jivkov, Francesco De Vito. Depicts the final twelve hours in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, on the day of his crucifixion in Jerusalem.
这篇影评可能有剧透耶稣受难记 The Passion of the Christ (2004)本片是这是北美历史票房榜的第59部。本片是根据根据《新约全书·四福音书》改编的一部宗教电影。以下是维基百科的剧情简介:电影故事由革责玛尼庄园(客西马尼园)开始。耶稣...
饰Joseph of Ari... Olek Mincer 演员 饰Nicodemus Sheila Mokhtari 演员 饰Woman in Audi... 幕后花絮 重现宗教传奇 “Passion”一词源于拉丁语,本意为受难,同时还意味着一种深远而超然的爱,后被引申特指耶稣基督临终前12小时内遭受苦难并最终得到救赎的事件。《新约》以四种不同方式重述了“耶稣受难记”,在过...
The Passion of the Christ - 預告、劇照、上映日期、電影評價、影評、導演、演員名單、劇情大綱以及相關評論
Language preference Change language here Home 0 seconds of 0 secondsVolume 90% 7 2 0 0 0 0 Clip: Jesus In The Garden With Satan Related Videos 1:24 The Passion of the Christ The Passion of the Christ 2518 2:01 74
这部影片真实的记录了耶稣基督一生中最后的12个小时,那是他在耶路撒冷受难的一天,也是他化身人类所遭受到的最残酷最痛苦的折磨,直到他生命的消逝。 故事从一个夜晚开始,耶稣(詹姆斯.卡维泽 饰)被犹大出卖给了罗马人,在暗蓝色的夜幕下耶稣被惊醒,震惊、失望,接着坦然、宽容,默默束手被擒。当罗马人用铁链绑住耶稣的...
This discussion will seem beside the point for readers who want to know about the movie, not the theology. But “The Passion of the Christ,” more than any other film I can recall, depends upon theological considerations. Gibson has not made a movie that anyone would call “commercial,” ...
The Passion of the Christ is a 2004 religious film directed, co-written and co-produced by Mel Gibson. It is based on the New Testament accounts of the arrest, trial, torture, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, events commonly known as The Passion. The film's dialogue is in ...
in Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ. The chapters are meant as subjects for in depth discussion about the implications of this movie which has caused much discussion around the world. The chapters deal with the suffering and death of Christ, Pontius Pilate, the woman caught i.....