The particulate nature of matter: Challenges in understanding the submicroscopic world - Harrison, Treagust - 2002 () Citation Context ... indicates that students must undergo a conceptual change in order for studentssto move from a continuous view of matter to a particle view (Nussbaum & Novick...
Statesofmatter.exe Statesofmatter.exe Theparticulatenatureofmatter Gas:neitheradefinitevolumenoradefiniteshapefurtherapart,moveapartfromeachother;(completelyfillitscontainer;canbecompressedtoformliquidsbyusinghighpressureandcooling.)changestate.exeStatesofmatter.exe packingforce VerycloselypackedVerystrongforces Close...
Kokkotas, P, Vlachos, I, Koulaidis, V (1998) Teaching the topic of the particulate nature of matter in prospective teachers’ training courses. International Journal of Science Education 20: pp. 291-303Kokkotas, P., Vlachos, L. and Koulaidis, V. 1998 . Teaching the topic of the ...
In this work we explore the chemical effects of particulate matter on paper. We exposed paper made of pure cellulose to the environment in different locations in central London, outdoors (in sheltered conditions) and indoors, for a period of up to 6 
Particulate matter emissions from stack number 2 of a majorferrochrome smelter, Zimbabwe Mining and Smelting Company(ZIMASCO) were characterized and the rates at which the elementsCr, Fe, Cu and Zn and total ferrochrome dust are emitted into theatmosphere were determined. The extent of soil conta...
There is increasing and inconsistent evidence of a linkage between maternal exposure to particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) and preeclampsia. Therefore, this st
Fine particulate (PM2.5) is a severe problem of air pollution in the world. Although many studies were performed on examining effects of PM2.5 on human health, the understanding of PM2.5 influence on aquatic organisms is limited. Due to wet deposition, the pollutants in PM2.5 can enter ...
Studies have shown that nutritional supplements could reduce the adverse effects induced by air pollution. However, whether dietary patterns can modify the association of long-term exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and its constituents with hyp
Studies have shown that nutritional supplements could reduce the adverse effects induced by air pollution. However, whether dietary patterns can modify the association of long-term exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and its constituents with hypertension defined by the 2017 ACC/AHA guideline...
Air pollution can cause various respiratory and neurological diseases and continuous exposure can lead to death. Previous studies have reported that particulate matter (PM) exposure increases the risk of depression, suicidal thoughts, and suicidal death; however, the results are inconsistent and limited...