Failed to convert parameter value from a SqlParameter to a String. Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Boolean. Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Decimal error Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int32. Failed to convert parameter value f...
Only one of product-name, esn, and mac can be specified and cannot be all empty. When product-name is used for deployment, the value of product-name can be queried using the display version command. In the command output, in "Version xxx ( xxx)" is the value of product-name. When...
” Optionally, you can name the container instance. I’ll call mine juliesqllinux. I’ll also specify the port mapping for the host port to container port with -p, as well as a parameter to run this in the background: -d (for detach). If you don’t use the -d param...
An unnamed parameter is denoted by a ‘?’, and is merely a placeholder for data that is going to be entered at report processing time. For example, the following is a dataset with a single-value unnamed query parameter: Select * from A where A.aid = ?; With a multi-value parameter...
For example, if you're writing a Web service to validate credit card numbers, you'd probably include the credit card number as a parameter and perhaps return a Boolean. What if you wanted to include some other information in the method call that wasn't directly related to the method call...
You can also include the exit parameter as part of a batch file. For example: Copy sqlcmd /Q "exit(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM '%1')" :r <filename> Parses Transact-SQL statements and sqlcmd commands from the file specified by filename into the statement cache. The file will be read an...
If you choose to use IIS as the activation agent, you must be aware of a few things. In the web.config file you cannot use the <debug> section. Only the HTTP channel is supported and any other channel you indicate is simply ignored. Since the host is a system pro...
If it is during the installation process, please tell us the version of the SQL Server Express which you intended to install, please also locate the installation logs in the path %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\nnn\Setup Bootstrap\Log and share it to us. The "nnn" in the path ...
3.In theAvailabletab, checkLocale,Kubernetes,Git Parameter, andExtended Choice Parameter. Localeindicates a Chinese language plug-in. If this plug-in is installed, the Jenkins UI is in Chinese by default. Kubernetesindicates the Kubernetes plug-in. ...
If you cannot find a configuration parameter, you must add it to the list: In the Edit Advanced vCenter Server Settings dialog box, enter the name of the configuration parameter in the Name text box. In the Value text box, set the value for the configuration parameter and clickAdd. ...