</原文结束>书摘 1.随着选择范围持续地增加,负面因素也逐渐浮现,致使我们不堪重负。这时选择不但没给人更大自由,反倒削弱了人们自由的权利,甚至可以说是对自由的残暴。 2.我们的文化让我们向往自由、自主和多样化,我们不愿意放弃任何选择。可是牢牢抱住所有的选择不放,往往会导致错误的决定、焦虑、困惑、不满足,甚至...
——著名心理学家,畅销书《选择的悖论》(The Paradox of Choice)作者 巴里·施瓦茨(Barry Schwartz) 这是一本充满知识 …book.jd.com|基于20个网页 3. 选择的矛盾 这就是典型的「选择的矛盾」(the paradox of choice):当你千辛万苦挣到选择的权利(the right to choose)之时,选择的意 …asum.cn|基于11...
the paradox of choice 读音:美英 the paradox of choice基本解释 选择的悖论;选择悖论;何多即是少;无从选择;选择的吊诡 分词解释 paradox反论,悖论 choice选择 the paradox of choice是什么意思 the paradox of choice怎么读 the paradox of choice在线翻译 the paradox of choice中文意思 the paradox of choice...
Something as dramatic as our identity has now become a matter of choice, as this slide is meant to indicate. We don't inherit an identity; we get to invent it. And we get to reinvent ourselves as often as we like. And that means that every day, when you wake up in the morning, ...
在现在,我们可以买上一条“有点庞克、有点雅痞,带有修身效果,最好能是低腰”的牛仔裤,但对我爸来讲,牛仔裤只有分深色跟浅色。 工业革命后,架上的产品不断推陈出新,而这些新的选择提供给我们新的刺激、新的体验,而它的背后藏着一把双面刃,埋藏着繁荣背后的黑暗面。,
Choice Overload: The tendency for people to get overwhelmed when they are presented with a large number of options, often used interchangeably with the term paradox of choice. Maximizer: An individual who seeks out the most optimal (maximum utility) outcome when making a decision.2 Satisficer: ...
Barry Schwartzisa professor at Swarthmore College, and he argues that the freedom to choose we so longed for 50 years ago is one of the main roots of our unhappiness today. Here are 3 things I learned from his book on the subject,The Paradox Of Choice: ...
《The paradox of choice》经典语录名句经典语句欣赏:1.人们的选择越多,自由也就越多, 自由越多, 得到的福利也就越多。 我们都知道它的好处。 那么就让我来说说它的不好之处 1.自相矛盾 2.机会成本 3.期望值增高 2.当一般的东西都不怎么好时 人们...