</原文结束>书摘 1.随着选择范围持续地增加,负面因素也逐渐浮现,致使我们不堪重负。这时选择不但没给人更大自由,反倒削弱了人们自由的权利,甚至可以说是对自由的残暴。 2.我们的文化让我们向往自由、自主和多样化,我们不愿意放弃任何选择。可是牢牢抱住所有的选择不放,往往会导致错误的决定、焦虑、困惑、不满足,甚至...
紧接着在第一部分关于自由的重担中,作者分两个部分来诠释了当前重担的主要原因:一方面是我们正在面临着小决定的暴政,另一方面这种小决定暴政还在蔓延各个领域。小决定的暴政,阐述的就是类似购买牛仔裤因为品种太多,导致人们因为无从下手而带来的惊慌失措和幸福体验感骤减的概念。1st. 在日常生活中,不管是超市购物、看...
So what this means, this incredible freedom of choice we have with respect to work, is that we have to make a decision, again and again and again, about whether we should or shouldn't be working. We can go to watch our kid play soccer, and we have our cell phone on one hip and...
Paradox of Choice: The paradox of choice describes the phenomenon of when there are a greater the number of choices, the less satisfied people are with their choice, and the longer they take to make a choice. Answer and Explanation:
When the number of choices increases, so does the difficulty of knowing what is best. Instead of increasing our freedom to have what we want, the paradox of choice suggests that having too many choices actually limits our freedom. “ Learning to choose is hard. Learning to choose well is ...
In Prof. Schwartz's book, 'The Paradox of Choice, ' he offers a chapter of advice on how to control my indecisive tendencies. 施瓦茨在其著作《选择的自相矛盾之处》(TheParadoxofChoice)中,有一个章节谈到如何控制像我这样的优柔寡断倾向。 www.ebigear.com 3. And conversely, the paradox of choi...
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The Paradox of Choice 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 巴里•施瓦茨Barry Schwartz ★ 美国斯沃斯莫尔学院社会心理学教授,2009年TED大会压轴演讲人,以博学和风趣征服观众。在现场聆听他演讲的观众超过5000人,既有政府官员,也有商业人士,遍布金融、零售、餐饮、广告、娱乐等众多行业。在互联网上观看他演讲视频的...
Define Veridical paradox. Veridical paradox synonyms, Veridical paradox pronunciation, Veridical paradox translation, English dictionary definition of Veridical paradox. n. 1. A statement that seems to contradict itself but may nonetheless be true: the p