“… the painted veil which those who live call Life.” This story was suggested by the lines of Dante that run as follows: Deh, quando tu sarai tomato al mondo, E riposato della lunga via, Seguito il terzo spirito al secondo, Ricorditi di me, che son la Pia: Siena mi f...
内容提示: •.. ...:. ';I.','~/'THE COLLECTED EDITION OFT HE. W O R KS OF W . SO:!.lERS BTIA UG H A 1[HoR/zaiDI•,TH E PAINTED VEIL 文档格式:PDF | 页数:151 | 浏览次数:138 | 上传日期:2011-04-04 12:28:53 | 文档星级: •...
面纱(The Painted Veil)是(英)毛姆写的小说,最新章节更新至第81章,全文无弹窗在线阅读面纱(The Painted Veil)就上QQ阅读男生网
228 p. Unraveling Your Relationship with Money 307 p. Wrong Women - Caroline West 469 p. Why Nothing Works - Marc J. Dunkelman 361 p. The Social Paradox - William von Hippel 239 p. The Insider's Guide to Innovation at Microsoft 44 p. The Four Phases of Retirement 关于...
最近更新:面纱(The Painted Veil)(壹力文库 百灵鸟英文经典)2024-04-15 16:47开始阅读 下载番茄小说 (英)威廉·萨默塞特·毛姆(W.Somerset Maugham) 我的作品希望你喜欢 作品简介 《面纱》讲述了这样一个故事:容貌娇美而又爱慕虚荣的英国女子凯蒂,为了避免自己变成一位老姑娘,接受了生性孤僻的医生瓦尔特·费恩的求...
The Painted Veil 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 WITH THIS BOOK Maugham paints an exquisite portrait of colonial existence in Hong-Kong and in particular the life of Kitty-a shallow, frivolous, spoilt young woman-as she grows in mind, spirit and character through her turbulent involvement ...
面纱THE PAINTED VEIL英文原版 [英]威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆 加入书架开始阅读 毛姆的这部女性觉醒经典之作已被三次改编成电影,展现了女性在欲望中的迷失与在自我觉醒中对命运的掌控。本版本为英语原版,深入探讨了爱情、婚姻、人性和生活的真谛。在这些主题面前,往往存在一层虚幻的彩色面纱,而揭开这层面纱,正如书中所...
The Painted Veil was first published in 1925 and is usually described as a strong story about a woman's spiritual journey. To more pragmatic, modern eyes, Kitty's emotional growth appears minimal. Still, if not a major feminist work, the book has literary interest. Sophie Ward's un...
WilliamSomersetMaugham ThePaintedVeil "…thepaintedveilwhichthosewholivecallLife." I SHEgaveastartledcry. "What'sthematter?"heasked. Notwithstandingthedarknessoftheshutteredroomhesawherfaceonasuddendistraughtwith terror. "Someonejusttriedthedoor." "Well,perhapsitwastheamah,oroneoftheboys." "Theynever...
Set in England and Hong Kong in the 1920s, The Painted Veil is the story of the beautiful but love- starved Kitty Fane. When her husband discovers her adulterous affair, he forces her to accompany him to the heart of a cholera epidemic. Stripped of the B