大学英语综合教程4Unit6ThePaceofLife-课件 Objectives Thestudentswillbeableto:1.Learnthemainideaandstructureofthe text;2.Learntodistinguishsupportingfacts fromopinions,andtousebothintheirownwriting;3.Graspthekeylanguagepointsand grammaticalstructuresinthetext;Step1Pre-readingActivities Describethecaricature Brain...
1. What are the possible causes of the busyness epidemic in the modern era? 2. In your opinion, how can we adapt to the increasing pace of modern life? 资源获取链接:
1、Unit 6 The Pace of Life,Text A: Old Father Time Becomes a Terror,Objectives,The students will be able to: Learn the main idea and structure of the text; Learn to distinguish supporting facts from opinions, and to use both in their own writing; Grasp the key language points and ...
Unit 6 The Pace of life 英语课件搜索 Unit 6Text A Old Father Time Becomes a TerrorBy Qin yanrongAug6,2007Unit 6 The Pace of life Terror By Qin yanrong Aug6,2007 The Pace of life Text A Old Father Time Becomes a 阅读原文 下载...
•White-collar:Master,Iamreallytired.Withmanythingstohandle,I’mbusyalltheday.That’snotthelifeIwant.Ithinkthere’snohopeofmylife.Pleasehelpme!•Master:Ok!Iwilltrymybesttohelpyou.Pleasetellmewhat’sgoingon.Scene1:Whatabusywork S:Boss,thisisthedocumentsofthemeetingatteno’clock.B:Ok,putit...
The Pace of Life: A Balancing Act In the fast-paced world we live in, the relentless pursuit of efficiency and productivity often comes at a cost. The pace of life, with its non-stop demands and expectations, can leave us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. However, it is crucial to find...
The modern pace of life is just too fast. Everyday as you open your eyes in the morning, you have to move fast or you won’t get things done on time.You have no time to enjoy breakfast; you have to run in order to catch a bus; you have to shout and yell to get ...
Unit6Unit6Unit6Unit6 ThePaceofLifeThePaceofLife Procedure •CulturalNotes •Questions •TrueorFalse •Scanning •LanguagePoints •UsefulExpressions •Homework CulturalNotes RichardTomkins: ConsumerindustrieseditoroftheFinancial Times,wherehehasbeenamemberofthe editorialstaffsince1983.Heiscurrently ...