DPT vaccine - abbreviation for combination vaccine against diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus toxoids; usually given in a series of injections in early childhood vaccine, vaccinum - immunogen consisting of a suspension of weakened or dead pathogenic cells injected in order to stimu...
The Institute of Medicine reports on DPT and rubella vaccine safetyInpharma Weekly -doi:10.2165/00128413-199208220-00046NoneSpringer International PublishingInpharma Weekly
The PCV13-7 vaccine's introduction led to a steady decline in type IPD incidence across countries over time, converging to a relatively stable state approximately three to four years after implementation in those under five, with a decrease of approximately 60-90% (IRRs=0.1-0.4), and roughly...
Kelly N. S. Amorim1, Eline V. Rampazo1, Renan Antonialli1, Marcio M. Yamamoto1, Mauricio M. Rodrigues2,3, Irene S. Soares3,4 & Silvia B. Boscardin1,3 In vivo antigen targeting to dendritic cells (DCs) has been used as a way to improve immune ...
In order to combat COVID-19 disease, several vaccine candidates are in the development pipeline using a variety of platforms including some based on viral vectors (non-replicating and replicating viral), recombinant peptide/protein subunit/virus-like particles (VLPs), nucleic acid (RNA and DNA),...
A 250–300 µL blood sample was taken from each mouse prior to the experiments to be used as a reference (preimmune serum). For the T-EOW, BZN and W/O-T groups, samples were collected twice: at 40 dpi, equivalent to 30 dpt, and 60 dpi. In the P-EOW group, samples were coll...
vaccine-injured children in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or what the rest of the world would call "obstruction of justice." It's like a prosecutor failing to turn over a key piece of evidence which exonerates a murder suspect, then saying nothing when the defendant goes ...
Disease prevalence was modeled on the scale of 0 to 1, therefore one unit increase in prevalence corresponds to a 100% increase which implies a shift of the current by 100%. Sub-national analysis shows that malaria was associated with U5M in Central 2, East-Central, Mid-North, North-East...
we assumed that the latent status modelled corresponds to “the presence or absence ofC. burnetii-specific antibodies in a serum sample”: the Se and Sp estimates therefore correspond to the diagnostic performances of these ELISA tests to detect truly seropositive or truly seronegative animals. As...
Conclusion: The immunogenicity of the pertussis vaccine used in Iran is relatively high in 12-month old infants after receiving three doses of vaccine and the side effects of this vaccine are not significant.Hosseninasab, AliEbrahimpour, Maryam...